keytool -import命令用于将证书导入到密钥库(keystore)中。密钥库是一个包含密钥和证书的容器,通常用于存储安全通信所需的证书和私钥。 说明-file参数后面应跟证书文件的路径: -file参数后面应该跟你要导入的证书文件的完整路径。在你提供的命令中,my.cert.location/my.cert.crt应该是证书文件的路径。请确保这个路径...
keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore vnfm_default.p12 -srcstorepass 4srVN6M -srcstoretype PKCS12 -destkeystore vnfm_default.jks -deststorepass 4srVN6M -alias dsrVnfm Note: After importing certificate into java keystore, it is a good practice to check if the certificate information is correct...
commandLine 'keytool', '-importkeystore', '-noprompt', '-srckeystore', "$rootDir/amazon-cacerts", '-srcstorepass', keystore_password, '-destkeystore', caCerts, '-deststorepass', keystore_password } task copyCacerts(type: Copy) { dependsOn importAmazonCacerts from caCerts into distribution...
keytool -import -trustcacerts -keystore "%JAVA_HOME%\jre\lib\security\cacerts" -alias osmserver -file C:\OSMSec\osmdomainCert.crt You will be prompted for the password for the keystore. The default ischangeit, so use that value unless you have changed the password for your keystore. Ab...
Enter pass phrase for dsrVnfm.key: <type pass phrase of private key> Check if CSR contains the SAN by running the following command: Copy openssl req -noout -text -in sslcert.csr | grep DNS Convert the CRT to PEM format: Use the openssl tool to convert the CRT to a PEM forma...