3D scenes can be represented as 3D-structured neural scene representations, i.e., neural implicit representations that map a 3D coordinate to a representation of whatever is at that 3D coordinate. This then requires the formulation of a neural renderer, in particular, a ray-marcher, which perfor...
于是,可以考虑使用一个连续函数来表示图像的真实状态,然而我们无从得知这个连续函数的准确形式,因此有人提出用神经网络来逼近这个连续函数,这种表示方法被称为“隐式神经表示“ (Implicit Neural Representation,INR)。 举几个例子,图像、视频、体素,都能用INR来表示,其数学表达如下: 对于图像,INR函数将二维坐标映射到...
论文名称: StEik: Stabilizing the Optimization of Neural Signed Distance Functions and Finer Shape Representation 论文链接: https://arxiv.org/abs/2305.18414 代码链接: https://github.com/features/codespaces 一、Introduction 近期基于体渲染的三维重建方法中,有项距离场Signed Distance Function(SDF)被广泛的...
由于仅用一个MLP作为nerf模型,建图过程中网络会逐渐遗忘历史信息,因此imap将历史关键帧保存起来,每个时刻需要从历史关键帧中采样固定数量的关键帧一起优化。 NICE-SLAM: Neural Implicit Scalable Encoding for SLAM,CVPR2022 NICE-SLAM主要维护一个Feature grids全局地图,该地图包含四个层级(代码中为coarse, middle, f...
CVPR 2021 (Oral):Learning Continuous Image Representation with Local Implicit Image Function introduction引用自 晏轶超:Implicit Neural Representation 隐式神经表示309 赞同 · 18 评论文章 Introduction 以图像为例,其最常见的表示方式为二维空间上的离散像素点。但是,在真实世界中,我们看到的世界可以认为是连续的...
Background: Implicit Neural Representation is powerful and beneficial Motivation: Current models fail to model (1) signals with fine detail (2) spatial and temporal derivatives. Solution: SIREN, a periodic activation function for implicit neural representations Steps: (1) a principled initialization ...
DS-NeRV: Implicit Neural Video Representation with Decomposed Static and Dynamic Codes论文下载 论文作者 Hao Yan, Zhihui Ke, Xiaobo Zhou, Tie Qiu, Xidong Shi, Dadong Jiang 内容简介 本文提出了一种名为DS-NeRV的新型视频隐式神经表示方法,该方法通过将视频分解为静态代码和动态代码来有效地压缩视频数据,并...
本文主要受3D形状重建所用的 implicit neural representation 启发,隐式神经表征的关键思想是将对象表示为将坐标映射到相应信号的函数(例如,到 3D 对象表面的有符号距离,图像中的 RGB 值),其中函数由深度神经网络实现。 How do we represent an image as a continuous function? Our work is inspired by the recen...
论文链接:StEik: Stabilizing the Optimization of Neural Signed Distance Functions and Finer Shape Representation 代码链接:https://github.com/sunyx523/StEik Introduction 近期基于体渲染的三维重建方法中,有项距离场Signed Distance Function(SDF)被广泛的用来表示三维表面,而SDF又被MLP隐式的定义。刚刚接触这个领...