Scene Representation Networks: Continuous 3D-Structure-Aware Neural Scene Representationsproposed to learn an implicit representations of 3D shape and geometry given only 2D images, via a differentiable ray-marcher, and generalizes across 3D scenes for reconstruction from a single image via hyper-networks...
于是,可以考虑使用一个连续函数来表示图像的真实状态,然而我们无从得知这个连续函数的准确形式,因此有人提出用神经网络来逼近这个连续函数,这种表示方法被称为“隐式神经表示“ (Implicit Neural Representation,INR)。 举几个例子,图像、视频、体素,都能用INR来表示,其数学表达如下: 对于图像,INR函数将二维坐标映射到...
Learning Continuous Image Representation 因此整个训练任务的目标是通过给定一组训练集图像,学习到一个可适用于unseen image的连续表示。为此我们需要学习一个encoderEϕEϕ用于将基于像素的图像映射为二维特征图,还需要学习一个neural implicit functionfθfθ。这里,考虑到希望学到的LIIF不仅可以重建其输入,还可以在...
Implicit neural representationContinuous functionImplicit representation steganographyRecently, implicit neural representation (INR) has started to be applied in image steganography. However, the quality of stego and secret images represented by INR is generally low. In this paper, we propose an implicit ...
隐式神经表示(Implicit Neural Representation,INR)(有时也称为基于坐标的表示)是一种对各种信号进行参数化的新方法。传统的信号表示通常是离散的,而隐式神经表示将信号参数化为一个连续函数,将信号的域映射到该坐标上的属性的值(例如对于图像,就是将像素坐标映射到R,G,B颜色)。
在位姿优化领域,BARF与ViewFormer分别从不同角度利用INR技术提升效率。BARF采用神经辐射场来优化相机位姿,而ViewFormer则利用Transformer解决仅基于少量图像的神经渲染问题。此外,Neural Sparse Voxel Fields与pixelNeRF也分别通过使用特征网格与像素级神经辐射场,进一步探索INR在SLAM应用的可能性。在三维场景重建...
we propose a local texture estimator for image warping (LTEW) followed by an implicit neural representation to deform images into continuous shapes. Local textures estimated from a deep super-resolution (SR) backbone are multiplied by locally-varying Jacobian matrices of a coordinate transformation to...
I will propose a hybrid model that uses both a neural implicit shape representation as well as 2D/3D convolutions for detailed reconstruction of objects and large-scale 3D scenes. I will further discuss a neural representation for capturing the visual appearance of an object in terms of its sur...
【ICCV'2023🔥】Implicit Neural Representation for Cooperative Low-light Image Enhancement Welcome! This is the official implementation of our paper: Implicit Neural Representation for Cooperative Low-light Image Enhancement Authors: Shuzhou Yang, Moxuan Ding, Yanmin Wu, Zihan Li, Jian Zhang*. 📣 ...
deep-learningsurface-reconstructionslam3d-reconstructiondepth-fusionneural-fieldsimplicit-neural-representationneural-implicit-representations UpdatedDec 2, 2023 Python ctom2/colie Star22 Code Issues Pull requests [ECCV 2024] This is the official code for the paper "Fast Context-Based Low-Light Image Enhan...