A very near synonym ofimplicitin this particular meaning is the word implied. But the adjective implicit also means 'complete without any doubt,' so we can say that we have implicit trust or confidence in someone. The Latin root implicāre means 'to involve or entangle.' Another English word...
Desilla, L. (2014) `Reading Between the Lines, Seeing Beyond the Images: an Empirical Study on the Comprehension of Implicit Film Dialogue Meaning Across Cultures' in The Translator (20:2) pp. 194- 214.Desilla, L. Reading between the lines, seeing beyond the images: an empirical study ...
convergence with other measures is circumvented entirely, insofar as the measure would be understood first and foremost in terms of basic principles, rather than in terms of constructs or hypothetical processes. In addition, such a strategy would provide a better understanding of individual-level proc...
alongside the logo of the European Film Academy. In order to amplify the credibility of the manipulation, the experimenter explained that this study was done in collaboration with this institute, taking interest in “the changes that might occur when we know that something is real or not....
A very near synonym ofimplicitin this particular meaning is the word implied. But the adjective implicit also means 'complete without any doubt,' so we can say that we have implicit trust or confidence in someone. The Latin root implicāre means 'to involve or entangle.' Another English word...
It can be seen from Figure 6 that this algorithm is significantly superior to the traditional PMF algorithm, meaning that the addition of trust relations leads to more accurate prediction of user needs. Figure 6. Comparison between the proposed algorithm and PMF algorithm under MAE (a) and RMSE...