Reading between the lines, seeing beyond the images: an empirical study on the comprehension of implicit film dialogue meaning across cultures [ J ] . The Translator, 2014,20(2) : 194鄄214.Desilla, L. (2014) `Reading Between the Lines, Seeing Beyond the Images: an Empirical Study on ...
Grey and Barnes (1996) explicitly attempted to provide a definition of the concept of “attitude” from a behavioral perspective and used the stimulus equivalence paradigm as the first port of call for assessing attitudes defined in their terms. They drew upon the process of transfer of function ...
Red might simply be perceived as more of a threat cue in the West because it is repeatedly used as a danger signal, most often when green is present and takes on the opposite (positive) meaning. This specific finding would be in line with the color-in-context theory in general (Elliot ...
The Invisible World, then, is 20 minutes of Sci-Fi snippets, scientific how-to’s, unboxing and shopping spree youtube clips, home videos, stills of “warm” and “homely” objects (think a yellow butter dish from the 70s) paired with texts about capitalism and meaning, audio narratives a...
The first part of the Results section will focus on testing whether the experimental manipulation succeeded. In our study, manipulation check consists in showing that our manipulation induced effective changes in simulation monitoring, meaning that the experimental condition (reality or simulation) induced...