In this paper, we proposed a design for 2:1 multiplexer in QCA using NON MAJORITY GATE. In this work, a new design of NAND and NOR gates are proposed. By using the NAND gate structure, the proposed multiplexer is implemented. The multiplexer functionality is implemented by the design tool...
technology.TheTernaryNANDGateandTernaryNORGatearealsodesignedandsimulated.TheternarySRAMconsistsofcross- coupledternaryinverters.SPICEsimulationsconfirmedthatthefunctionalbehavioroftheREADandWRITEoperationsis correct. Keywords–Multiple-valuedlogic(MVL),CMOSTernaryLogic,TernarySRAM,SimpleTernaryInverter(STI),PositiveTernary...
These include wide variety of combinational & seq elements with multiple drive strengths realized using width multiples used for filler cells. The cell layout has same FEOL footprint as that of ECO fill. E.g. smallest func gate, ECO_func (ref pic 2b above) will use ECO_filler FEOL layout...
Figure 5shows an implementation of the arrangement offigure 4in CMOS Figure 5.A two-input XNOR circuit in CMOS, based on figure 4. MOSFETs Q1, Q2, Q3, and Q4 form the NAND gate. Q5 and Q6 do the ORing of A and B, while Q7 performs the ANDing of the NAND and OR outputs. Q8, ...
We fabricate a circuit reconfigurable between NAND and NOR functions. A hysteresis transfer characteristic with double threshold is realized in the GaAs nanowire by using a silicon nitride (SiN) as the gate insulator. We introduce a unique inverter design using the SiN-gate FET as a load to ...
NAND gate A digital logic gate that implements the logical NAND, or 'NOT AND'. Its output is low when all inputs are high and is otherwise high. NOR gates A digital logic gate that implements the logical NOR, or 'NOT OR'. Its output is low when at least one input is high and is...
A family of full-custom conventional CMOS Logic and an Adiabatic Logic units for example, an inverter, a two-input NAND gate, a two-input NOR gate, a two- input XOR gate a two-to-one multiplexer and a one- bit Full Adder were designed in Mentor Graphics IC Design Architect using ...
1a). The fabricated 3D FeNAND had three layers, and eight memory cells were positioned at each layer (Fig. 1b, c). The device structure and thickness of each layer were confirmed using transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The thickness of the TiN gate electrode and the width of the ...
Logic 1 on gate, Source and Drain connected ECE C03 Lecture 4 16 Logic Gates with Steering Logic Logic Gates from Switches +5V A A +5V A B A B +5V A B A + B Inverter NAND Gate NOR Gate Pull-up network constructed from pMOS transistors ...
In a NOR architecture configuration, the control gate is connected to a wordline associated with a row of memory cells which together with other rows of cells form sectors of such memory cells. In addition, the drain regions of various cells are connected together by conductive bitlines. The ...