MiniMaxAi; import AI_ready.RandomAi; import AI_ready.brainType; import settings.settings; @@ -21,7 +22,7 @@ public bootstrapper () { } public int startGame() throws IOException { game current = new game(br, new RandomAi()); game current = new game(br, new MiniMaxAi()); ...
It should be finite: If your algorithm never ends trying to solve the problem it was designed to solve then it is useless It should have well defined instructions: Each step of the algorithm has to be precisely defined; the instructions should be unambiguously specified for each case. ...
some design innovations are made in our implementation ,the simulation results indicate that both the computational complexity of and the reconstructed image quality obtained using AMBTC algorithm are better than those obtainable with other existing BTC algorithms. 展开 ...
An Implementation of Othello Game Player Using ANN based Records Learning and Minimax Search AlgorithmJeon, YoungjinCho, YoungwanCHONGI HAKHOE NONMUNJI
In AutoScaler, execution time is based on the minimax algorithm, and varies on different surrogates as that can be seen in the Fig. 11a. Fig. 11 a Execution time of AutoScaler. b Processing time of Edge Computing Framework Full size image In Fig. 11b, edge computing framework, edges are ...
We also show that the XY gate can be used to implement instances of the quantum approximate optimization algorithm, achieving a reduction in circuit depth of ~30% compared with the use of CZ gates only. Finally, we extend our decomposition scheme to other gate families, which can allow for ... 4.24LRTA* ...
These problems are large-scale nonlinear (and sometimes nonconvex) constrained optimisation problems, consisting of both sparse and dense data. Several application- specific properties are exploited to enhance efficiency. Permuting, tiling and mixed precision arithmetic allow the algorithm to optimally ...
The player "○" wins the game ifALLOW_EXCEEDis1; otherwise, the game will continue because the number of "○"s in a row exceedsGOAL. Reference Mastering Tic-Tac-Toe with Minimax Algorithm in Python tic-tac-toe: tic-tac-toe game for terminal I/O....
4.8129Genetic-AlgorithmGeneticAlgorithm 4.11136And-Or-Graph-SearchAndOrSearch 4147Online search problemOnlineSearchProblem 4.21150Online-DFS-AgentOnlineDFSAgent 4.24152LRTA*-AgentLRTAStarAgent 5.3166Minimax-DecisionMinimaxSearch 5.7170Alpha-Beta-SearchAlphaBetaSearch ...