Development of solar radiation prediction model using minimax algorithm Recently, many studies are carried out on solar energy (SE) and global solar radiation (GSR) estimation. When the literature is examined, there are many GS... YA Kaplan - 《Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy》 被引量...
ITERATIVE ESTIMATION ALGORITHMDUALITYCENTERSThis paper constructs an interval partition linearization algorithm for solving minimax linear fractional programming (MLFP) problem. In this algorithm, MLFP is converted and decomposed into a series of linear programs by dividing the outer 1-dimensional space of...
Algorithm for Solving of Two-Level Hierarchical Minimax Adaptive Control Problem in a Linear Discrete-Time Dynamical System In this paper we consider a discrete-time dynamical system consisting from two controllable objects. The dynamics of each object is described by the corres... AF Shorikov - ...
A very efficient solution procedure for solving linear programs is the simplex algorithm. The simplex method proceeds by enumerating feasible solutions and improving the value of the objective function at each step. The termination step is reached after a finite number of different transitions. A ...
It uses the Minimax algorithm with alpha-beta pruning to figure out the best moves to play against its opponent. Prerequisites g++ Compiler Java and the Java SE Development Kit GNU Make Why C++ AND Java? This program was originally meant to be written in Java, however, an individual who ...
In the solution of applied problems of conflict feedback control of dynamic systems, it is often convenient to search for optimal controls in two stages. This study first investigates the auxiliary game program control problem, and then shifts to synthesis of the controls. This program control pro...
can be computed separately for the real and imaginary parts of the complex spectrum to yield a complex-valued peak estimate (magnitude and phase). Once an interpolated peak location has been found, the entire local maximum in the spectrum is removed. This allows the same algorithm to be used...
This note recapitulates an algorithmic observation for ordered Depth-FirstSearch (DFS) in directed graphs that immediately leads to a parallel algorithmwit... JL Träff - 《Computer Ence》 被引量: 1发表: 2013年 PREVIEW SEARCH RESULTS Systems and methods are provided for previewing content that ...
#include <cstdio>#include<cmath>#include<algorithm>usingnamespacestd;constintMAXN=1005;constintINF=0x3f3f3f3f;structNode{intx,y; }stone[MAXN];intn;doublemp[MAXN][MAXN];doubledist(intx1,inty1,intx2,inty2) {returnsqrt((x1-x2)*(x1-x2)+(y1-y2)*(y1-y2)); ...
This paper presents a Turbo-Basic program that implements a revised version of a new algorithm for the fast and optimum solution of the general linear minimax approximation problem. The algorithm proceeds iteratively and terminates when the global minimum value of the objective function is reached. ...