In the recent past there is a rapid development in the field of digital technology especially in signal processing and image processing based applications Excellent performance high speed, compactable in size low power and less delay are the essential needs of the devices used for applications such...
In this work, the idea of parallel computing for a full adder has been proposed. Based on parallel computing, a new architecture of full adder (A-I) has be
Tremendous and inescapable application of full adder adds impetus to its optimization till high-end performance. Use of full adder propels the design engineer to unearth various digital circuits, whose implementation otherwise would not be a cakewalk. This paper exhumes finest 3-bit parity checker in...
The determination of mode is modified into the center MUX. The yield can be either synchronous or asynchronous, contingent upon the programming of the mux to one side, in the figure model. Practically speaking, whole or parts of the adder are put away as capacities into the LUTs to save ...
32-bit carry look-ahead adder (CLA),a second path, parallel to the timing critical path, configured to produce a second output, the second path having a single CLA, anda selector configured to select an output from the output of the timing critical path and theoutput of the second path.... OPEN Novel data dependent divider circuit block implementation for complex division and area critical applications Udayan S. Patankar 1*, Miguel E. Flores 2 & Ants Koel 1 This article elaborates on the state-of-the-art novel Udayan ...
控制状态机如图4所示,它 与编程加速逻辑一起产生地址译码信号,控制电熔丝单元的读写从高位开始向低位单步进行,此时状 万方数据 电路与系统学报 第16卷 endof 态机停留在wait scan状态。操作完成时, 产生信号ready_out,状态机停留在idle状态。 为了保证电熔丝编程质量,编程过程中一 pointerd pointer pointer_muxd ...
A variety of applications a multiplexer has, where a multiplexer can be implemented for e.g. in Full Adder, Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU), Digital Compressor etc. In this paper authors have proposed a 4:1 multiplexer using PFAL and ECRL adiabatic logic design technique and compared with the ...
FPGA Implementation of High Speed Mux Based AdderBalaji K. TShridhar Dudam
In this project, a new hybrid 1-bit full adder is designed using both CMOS and pass transistor logic, for the purpose of reducing the no of transistors. It consists of three modules such as two XOR module and one MUX module. It is used to improving po...