in Full Adder, Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU), Digital Compressor etc. In this paper authors have proposed a 4:1 multiplexer using PFAL and ECRL adiabatic logic design technique and compared with the Conventional CMOS Multiplexer. The power dissipation of the proposed circuits, is compared to a ...
In this work, the idea of parallel computing for a full adder has been proposed. Based on parallel computing, a new architecture of full adder (A-I) has be
The determination of mode is modified into the center MUX. The yield can be either synchronous or asynchronous, contingent upon the programming of the mux to one side, in the figure model. Practically speaking, whole or parts of the adder are put away as capacities into the LUTs to save ...
Because the reconstruction algorithm is multiplier-free, the compu- tational load is not critical and the integrator chain can be performed sequentially by using a single 32-bit adder that, with the aid of a carry register can perform the multiple precision accumulation up to 96 bits. Partial ...
Complex divider. A software or hardware divider forms complex numbers based on the conventional for- mula using a complex conjugate, where z1 , and z2 are two complex numbers consisting of real and imaginary parts. The divide-and-conquer concept must be used to implement two separate ...
SoC芯片可测试性设计策略的实现研究 A study on the implementation of DFT strategies for SoC design.pdf,第16卷第2期 电路与系统学报 V01.16No.2 2011年4月 JOURNALOFCIRCUITSANDSYSTEMS April,201l 文章编号:1007—0249(2011)02—0056—06 SoC芯片可测试性设计策略
FPGA Implementation of High Speed Mux Based AdderBalaji K. TShridhar Dudam
The gate level implementation of the carry select adder (CSLA) and modified carry select adder has significantly reduced the area and power consumption which replaced the ripple carry adder (RCA) used in modified CSLA with MUX-ADD block has further reduced the power consumption by efficiently ...
In the recent past there is a rapid development in the field of digital technology especially in signal processing and image processing based applications Excellent performance high speed, compactable in size low power and less delay are the essential needs of the devices used for applications such...
In such a case, the PID formula is calculated using the main CPU (central processing unit) of the PLC while executing the control program. The PID instruction should be invoked inside a cyclic interrupt handling procedure. The CPU is required to process the overall control program at a ...