首先我们用Nand实现一个Not。Not很简单,对其输入取反,然后输出。下面是我自己的实现方式: HDL实现:硬件描述语言实现。 /** * Not HDL实现 * Not gate: * out = not in */ CHIP Not { IN in; OUT out; PARTS: Nand(a=in, b=in, out=out); } 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11...
May I suggest another approach to implementing AND gates (as well as OR and NOR gates directly) ? The reason we did NAND gate only is to provide a minimal set of universal gates, but the most efficient way to to a AND is not to do two NANDs. In FHEW.cpp, line 164 void HomNAND(...
利用邏輯電路中最基本的元素"Nand Gate"組合出CPU及Memory 在VM-Assembly 中: 將Assembly Code 編譯成所設計硬體可執行的 Binary Code 在VM_translator 中: 將VM Code 編譯成 Assembly Code 在Compiler 中: 將設計一個物件導向的高階語言,並編寫編譯器將代碼編譯成 VM Code 檔案結構 --- Compiler |--- Squar...
When the switch’s NC terminal is connected to ground, as shown in the upper half of Figure 4, this forces the output of gate g2 to logic 1. In turn, the two logic 1s on the inputs to gate g1 force its output to logic 0. By comparison, when the switch’s NO terminal is conn...
In the realm of FPGA design, the journey begins with code in aHardware Description Language(HDL), such as Verilog or VHDL. This code serves as the blueprint for the intended functionality to be implemented on the Field-Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) chip. However, transforming this HDL code...