然后我们继续用刚刚实现的Not和Nand组合使用,再实现一个And。 /** * And gate: * out = 1 if (a == 1 and b == 1) * 0 otherwise */ CHIP And { IN a, b; OUT out; PARTS: Nand(a=a, b=b, out=nandOut); Not(in=nandOut, out=out); } 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. ...
Not.hdl |--- Not16.hdl |--- Or.hdl |--- Or8Way.hdl |--- Or16.hdl |--- Xor.hdl |--- README.md |--- Add16.hdl |--- ALU.hdl |--- FullAdder.hdl |--- HalfAdder.hdl |--- Inc16.hdl |--- README.md |--- Ram |--- RAM4K.hdl |--- RAM16K.hdl |--- RAM512...
Even if it works for one size, it might not work for others, which will cause problems at inference time. About Llama Llama is a transformer-based model for language modeling. Meta AI open-sourced Llama this summer, and it's gained a lot of attention (pun intended). When you're ...
There are 7 primarytetrominoshapes. Including rotations, we get to 28 different shapes. However, to save memory, we store only the original shapes, using a 7x16 matrix of 1s and 0s, where 1s represent blocks, and 0s represent empty space. For example, let's take the 2ndtetromino, the ...