Assessing Impediments to Fair Housing Choice in River CityWill, Jeffry AMilligan, Tracy ATalmage, JohnOwens, Charles E
specific component of the US Department of Housing and Urban Development's (HUD's) strategy to implement fair housing policy, its requirement for local jurisdictions that receive community development block grant (CDBG) dollars to prepare an analysis of impediments to fair housing choice (AI) ...
Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Portsmouth, New Hampshireprepared byCity of Portsmouth
Patterson KL and Silverman RM (2011) How local public administrators, nonprofit providers and elected officials perceive impediments to fair housing in the suburbs: an analysis of Erie County, New York. Housing Policy Debate 21(1): 165-188....
Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice in Dane County, Wisconsin (Revised Draft Copy-For Discussion)INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND... Study Purpose ... Scope of Services ...
Douglas County Transit Study: Supplement to the 2011 Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing ChoiceBackground... II-1 Current Providers ...