Disparate Impact Liability Under the Fair Housing Act After Inclusive CommunitiesSheehan, DanielJournal of Affordable Housing & Community Development Law
Supreme Court Rules that Disparate Impact Claims are Allowed Under the Fair Housing ActJeffrey M. BarrettAnn Ustad Smith
HUD Final Rule on Disparate Impact under the Fair Housing ActPaul F. Hancock
The Fair Housing Act bars both intentional discrimination and policies and practices that have adisparate impact, ie that do not have a state intended to discriminate but have the effect of discriminating against the Fair Housing Act’s protected classes, as explained by theNational Low Income Hous...
Using Disparate Impact Analysis in Fair Housing Act Claims: Landlord Withdrawal From the Section 8 Voucher Program The Fair Housing Act (FHA) outlaws discrimination in housing based on race, color, religion, national origin, and sex. A plaintiff can win an FHA claim us......
Beyond FEAR and MYTH: Using the Disparate Impact Theory Under the Fair Housing Act to Challenge Housing Barriers Against People with Criminal Recordsn45n45 Id.; see also Alfred Blumstein & Kiminori Nakamura, Redemption in thePresence of Widespread Criminal Background Checks...
could be next. That’s why I am co-sponsoring Senator Kavanagh’s legislation to codify the disparate impact standard, derived from the Fair Housing Act, into New York State’s Human Rights Law. Disparate impact has long been used to fight against housing discrimination by a...
Foreclosure Fallout: The Banking Industry's Attack on Disparate Impact Race Discrimination Claims under the Fair Housing Act and the Equal Credit Opportuni... The foreclosure crisis that plagues the United States disproportionately affects minority borrowers. African American and Latino borrowers with ...
in discussion 15, on June 25, 2015 (after these contributions were written) the Supreme Court, in an opinion authored by Justice Ken-nedy, held 5-4 that claims of discrimination based on the disparate impact of a policy on a protected group are cognizable under the Fair Housing Act. The...
Inclusive Communities: Geographic Desegregation, Urban Revitalization, and Disparate Impact Under the Fair Housing Act 99. Myron Orfield, Racial Integration and Community Revitalization: Applying an explicit mandateto these agencies to "affirmatively further" fair housing through the promotion of non-discr...