Using Oracle Database 19c, we are trying to import a dump which contains an XML schema and its corresponding auto-generated data types, tables, triggers etc. We are struggling with the data types, as they already exist under the same name in another schema of the target database, hence ...
Along with the data pump utilities Oracle provide an PL/SQL API. The following is an example of how this API can be used to perform a schema export.DECLARE l_dp_handle NUMBER; BEGIN -- Open an schema export job. l_dp_handle := operation => 'EXPORT', job_mode ...
-rw-r--r-- 1 oracle oinstall 1.2K Dec 1516:57 dave.log 至此,我们有了一个用10g的expdp 导出了11g的Oracledump文件。现在我们用11g的impdp 导入该dump: C:\Users\Administrator.DavidDai>impdp dave/dave@dg directory=backup dumpfile=dave.dmp logfile=imp.log schemas=davetable_exists_action=replace I...
We want to find the complete Oracle stack to understand the origin of this error. For example, I want to understand why datapump expdp/impdp raises: ORA-01422: exact fetch returns more than requested number of rows This time, the alert file is not very helpful. ...
expdp system/manager@orcl directory=dump_dir dumpfile=tablespace.dmptablespaces=temp,example; 5)导整个数据库 expdp system/manager@orcl directory=dump_dir dumpfile=full.dmp full=y; 四、用impdp导入数据 在正式导入数据前,要先确保要导入的用户已存在,如果没有存在,请先用下述命令进行新建用户 ...
1、Oracle11g默认对空表不分配segment,故使用exp导出Oracle11g数据库时,空表不会导出。 2、设置deferred_segment_creation 参数为FALSE后,无论是空表还是非空表,都分配segment。 在sqlplus中,执行如下命令: SQL>alter system set deferred_segment_creation=false; ...
The slower performance is not seen when you drop the table and import it. Example:Measure the time (performance) and you will see this time Import (DataPump Import) is faster.ChangesCauseSign In To view full details, sign in with your My Oracle Support account. Register Don't have a ...
Gen 1 Exadata Cloud at Customer (Oracle Exadata Database Cloud Machine) - Version N/A and later: After DataPump Import (IMPDP) With SEGMENT_ATTRIBUTES:N The Primary
The Data Pump Export and Import (expdp and impdp) PARALLEL parameter can be set to a value greater than one only in the Enterprise Edition of Oracle Database. (In Standard Edition, the PARALLEL parameter is limited to one.) It is most useful for big jobs with a lot of da...