please refer to the analyze command as detailed in the context of <<Note:28814.1>; in addition, it may be worth using the dbverify as discussed in <<Note:35512.1>.
It is important to try and determine what the object involved in any reproducible problem is. Then use the analyze command. For more information, please refer to the analyze command as detailed in the context of <<Note:28814.1>; in addition, it may be worth using the dbverify as discussed ...
The Data Pump export utility provides a mechanismfortransferring data objectsbetweenOracle databases. The utilityisinvokedwiththe following command: Example: expdp scott/tiger DIRECTORY=dmpdir DUMPFILE=scott.dmp You can control how Export runsbyentering the'expdp'command followedbyvarious parameters.Tospec...
We are struggling with the data types, as they already exist under the same name in another schema of the target database, hence getting us ORA-02304 errors during datapump import. We tried adding option "transform=OID:n" to impdp command, and it effectively rids us of the errors. Problem...
2、expdp命令查看 查看expdp的帮助命令:[11oracle@oraocp~]$ expdp help=yTheDataPumpexport utility provides a mechanismfortransferring data objects betweenOracledatabases.Theutilityisinvoked with the following command:Example:expdp scott/tigerDIRECTORY=dmpdirDUMPFILE=scott.dmpYoucan control howExportruns by ...
Oracle备份方式主要分为数据泵导出备份、热备份与冷备份三种,今天首先 来实践一下数据泵备份与还原。数据泵导出/导入属于逻辑备份,热备份与冷备份都属于物理备份。oracle10g开始推出了数据泵(expdp /impdp),可以使用并行参数选项,因此,相对于传统的exp命令来说,执行效率更高。
expdp system/oracle attach=SYS_EXPORT_SCHEMA_02 Export> stop_job=immediate # 或者 KILL_JOB 1. 2. 3. 4. 参考 Commands Available in Import's Interactive-Command Mode Kill, cancel, resume or restart datapump expdp and impdp jobs (ORA-31626, ORA-31633, ORA-06512, ORA-00955) - Oracle 48 ...
Directory对象是Oracle10g版本提供的一个新功能。他是一个 指向,指向了操作系统中的一个路径。每个Directory都包含 Read,Write两个权限,可以通过Grant命令授权给指定的用户或角色。拥有读写权限的用户就可以读写该Directory对象指定的操作系统路 径下的文件。
ORACLE使用EXPDP和IMPDP数据泵进行导出导入的方法 使用expdp和impdp时应该注重的事项: 1、exp和imp是客户端工具程序,它们既可以在客户端使用,也可以在服务端使用。 2、expdp和impdp是服务端的工具程序,他们只能在oracle服务端使用,不能在客户端使用。 3、imp只适用于exp导出的文件,不适用于expdp导出文件;impdp只适用...