Symptoms of True Labour caused by Impacted Fecal Matter in the Large Intestines.An abstract is unavailable. This article is available as a PDF only.doi:10.1097/00000441-187001000-00016BlackJohnJ.The American Journal of the Medical Sciences
Fecal impaction is a gastrointestinal problem in which the stool becomes a dry, hard mass in the rectum or colon, and cannot be expelled naturally. The hardened stool obstructs the colon and additional fecal matter backs up in the colon causing considerable discomfort. Fecal impaction usually occur...
In the inflated condition, with the infusion of lubricant and or enema solution and after guiding the distal end past the fecal blockage, a user may urge the fecal blockage out of the colon of the animal.Sean Devin Walcott
having difficulty in passing waste matter (as regularly as normal) from the bowels.estreñido ˌconstiˈpationnoun estreñimiento Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd. con·sti·pa·tion n.estreñimiento, trastorno intestinal caracterizado por la imposibi...