SCI期刊影响因子(Journal Impact Factor,简称JIF)是指某一期刊在特定年份内被引用的次数(包括引用期刊内的文章和其他期刊对该期刊的引用),除以该期刊在同一年发表的总论文数目。该值反映了该期刊上一年发表的论文平均被引用的频率。 全球公认的期刊学术影响力评价指标 影响因子 Impact Factor 也许您已经在查找文献、写...
Impact Factor3 5 Year Impact Factor3 Cite Score5.6 Submission to First Decision - Days (Median)40 Social Media Mentions275 Downloads1,060,203 Journal of Environmental Health Science and Engineering Impact Factor3 5 Year Impact Factor3.4 Cite Score7.5 Submission to First Decision - Days (Median...
Impact Factor1.6 5 Year Impact Factor1.6 Cite Score2.9 Submission to First Decision - Days (Median)132 Social Media Mentions456 Downloads194,536 European Journal of Ageing Impact Factor3.7 5 Year Impact Factor3.7 Cite Score6.5 Submission to First Decision - Days (Median)23 Social Media Mentions...
科学引文索引(Science Citation Index, 缩写:SCI)是由美国科学情报研究所(Institute for Scientific Information,简称ISI)于1960年编辑出版的一部期刊文献检索工具,其出版形式包括印刷版期刊和光盘版及联机数据库。影响因子(Impact factor,缩写IF)是美国科学情报研究所(ISI)的期刊引证报告(JCR)中的一项数据。指的是某一...
Comparison of Impact Factor, Eigenfactor Metrics, and SCImago Journal Rank Indicator and h-index for Neurosurgical and Spinal Surgical Journals 2018, World Neurosurgery Citation Excerpt : Other factors such as intended readership, download counts, and relevance should also be taken into account seriously...
JCR影响因子是依托SCIE和SSCI数据库为统计源计算得出的结果,以年为单位进行计算;且只有被Web of Science核心合集收录达3年的期刊才会有JCR影响因子。 JCR自1975年以来每年定期发布,目前可查询的最新数据为2020年影响因子(2020 Impact Factor)。查询方法如下: ...
其实背后有一个专门的机构负责统计,那就是大名鼎鼎的科睿唯安(Clarivate Analytics),它旗下有一个叫做Web of Science的数据库,这个数据库收录了全球大量的学术期刊,Impact Factor 就是基于这个数据库的数据计算出来的。 每年,科睿唯安都会发布一份期刊引证报告(Journal Citation Reports,简称JCR)...
2023年获得首个Impact Factor影响因子期刊列表——生命科学.xlsx ( (1) Computers in Human Behavior Reports 期刊主页:Computers in Human Behavior Reports | Journal | by Elsevier (2) Current Research in Microbial Sciences 期刊主页:Current Research in Microbial Sciences | Journal...
The American Journal of Science (AJS), founded in 1818 by Benjamin Silliman, is the oldest scientific journal in the United States that has been published continuously. The Journal is devoted to geology and related sciences and publishes articles from around the world presenting results of major ...
Impact factor of a field:the average number of times that articles published in journals of that field in the two previous years (e.g. 1997–1998) were cited in a particular year (e.g. 1999). This can be calculated by weightingjournal impact factorsby the number of articles they have ...