of the Journal Impact FactorGarfield, Eugene
The article discusses the impact factor of the journal or the citation to the articles for evaluating the curriculum vita of a researcher. An overview about the impact factor and citations, as well as the revision of the calculation for impact factor to exclude self-citations, is provided. Al...
Impact Factor2.3 5 Year Impact Factor2.6 Cite Score7.8 Submission to First Decision - Days (Median)6 Social Media Mentions17 Downloads184,844 The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology Impact Factor2.9 5 Year Impact Factor3.2 Cite Score5.7 Submission to First Decision - Days (...
Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine Impact Factor4.2 5 Year Impact Factor4.2 Cite Score8 Submission to First Decision - Days (Median)59 Social Media Mentions211 Downloads666,478 Journal of Polymers and the Environment Impact Factor4.7 5 Year Impact Factor4.6 Cite Score9.5 Submiss...
期刊影响因子(Journal Impact Factor, JIF)是期刊过去两年发表的论文在当前JCR年获得的总引用次数与该期刊前两年发表的学术著作的比值。 期刊影响因子的定义 期刊影响因子(Journal Impact Factor, JIF)是衡量学术期刊影响力的重要指标之一。它表示的是期刊过去两年发表的论文在当前JCR年...
The Journal Impact Factor: How to interpret its true value and importance In 1955, Garfield suggested that the number of references could be used to measure the "impact" of a journal, but the term "impact factor" was introduced i... A Grzybowski - 《Medical Science Monitor International Medi...
1.For more just and impartial,on basis of test of various sets of indicators,the set of impact factor exclusive of cited by itself,titles that cited the journal,and the half-life of cited time weighted separately by coefficient of 0.为相对公平、公正,在多种探索基础上,对高校文科综合性学报,...
The Journal of Advanced Research (JAR), the official Journal of Cairo University, is celebrating the release of its first impact factor concomitant with its 8th-anniversary. According to the Journal Citation Report released by Clarivate Analytics (formerly Thomson Reuters), the 2017 impact factor of...
journal impact factor和5 year impact factor 举例来说:某期刊2015年的影响因子(impact fact)=2013、2014年发表的论文在2015年的引用数量/这两年发表的论文总数 某期刊2015年的5年响因子(5 year impac fact)=2010、2011、2012、2013、2014年发表的论文在2015年的原因数量用数量/这5年发表的论文...
期刊影响因子(journal impact factor,JIF)是用来代表学术期刊在其相应领域当中的相对重要性的指标,以某期刊前两年发表的论文在该报告年份中被引用总次数除以该期刊在这两年内发表的论文总数来计算得到。影响因子值较高的期刊通常被认为比影响因子值较低的期刊更重要,或在其各自领域内具有更多的内在威望。在最近公布的...