影响力系数(Impact Factor)的介绍与因应-追求质与量的并进.影響力係數(ImpactFactor)的介紹與因應-追求質與量的並進 引言人:林俊淵,博士後研究員清華大學資訊工程系 第二十三屆組合數學與計算理論研討會 2018/12/81 台灣期刊發表的世界定位 ISIEssentialScienceIndicators 2004年三月公布近十年(1993/3~2003/12)...
The scope of the Journal is broad, covering both research and clinical problems of neuroscientific interest. Year Impact Factor (IF) Total Articles Total Cites 2023 (2024 update) 2.9 - - 2022 3.3 - 12243 2021 3.221 - 12935 2020 3.478 227 12584 2019 3.125 189 10508 2018 2.832 196 10184 ...
Department of Pathology, Microbiology, and Immunology, School of Veterinary Medicine, University of California-Davis, Davis, CA 95616, USA;elsevierJournal of Veterinary CardiologyCHRISTOPHER M M. Weighing the impact (factor) of publishing in veterinary journals[ J]. J Vet Cardiol, 2015, 17 (2) ...
Journal Abbreviation: J MICROBIOL IMMUNOL Journal ISSN: 1684-1182Year Impact Factor (IF) Total Articles Total Cites 2023 (2024 update) 4.5 - - 2022 - - 2021 10.273 - 5841 2020 4.399 130 4936 2019 3.493 115 2732 2018 2.455 103 2163 2017 2.094 120 1861 2016 2.973 144 1814 2015 2.955 101...
Research Impact Score*: 19.6 Impact Factor: 17.6 SCIMAGO SJR: 8.761 SCIMAGO H-index: 106 Research Ranking (Immunology) 4 Research Ranking (Medicine) 85 Number of Best scientists*: 332 Documents by best scientists*: 249 Journal Information ISSN: 2470-9468 Publisher: Editors-in-...
Therapeutic irradiation of the tumor microenvironment causes differential activation of pro-survival and pro-death pathways in malignant, stromal, endothelial and immune cells, hence causing a profound cellular and biological reconfiguration via multiple, non-redundant mechanisms. Such mechanisms include the ...
An adequate treatment selection, both in bacterial14, 15, 16 and in A/H1N1(+) pneumonia,17, 18 is key because it has been proved to be an important protective factor against mortality. In fact, the importance of initiating early empiric treatment in order to improve prognosis is an ...
The Journal of Clinical Images and Case Reports is dedicated to synthesizing and integrating scientific information for the progress of science and by extension the benefit of the society.
(BOS). A fibroproliferative process of the small airways that results in multifocal bronchiolar obliterations and is presumed to reflect chronic Iung allograft rejection. BOS is the major factor that limits the survival of lung transplant recipients. ...
About International Reviews of Immunology This review journal provides the most current information on basic and translational research in immunology and related fields. In addition to reviews written by invited authors on a given topic, the journal accepts for publication articles and editorials on re...