Year Impact Factor (IF) Total Articles Total Cites 2023 (2024 update) 72.5 3 59496 2022 78.5 - 63667 2021 69.800 - 66699 2020 60.716 52 62391 2019 53.030 43 52053 2018 51.848 52 50529 2017 42.784 49 50407 2016 37.147 56 46017 2015 34.244 55 41846 2014 37.400 61 39868 2013 37.912 66 ...
6月30日,2021年最新SCI影响因子(Impact Factor,IF)出炉。排名第一的仍然是神刊 CA-A CANCER JOURNAL FOR CLINICIANS,影响因子达到508.7,首次突破五百分。备受关注的三大刊(NATURE、SCIENCE、CELL)2020年度影响因子分别为:四大医学期刊2020年度影响因子分别为:热门国内期刊最新影响因子:以下为2020年度影响因子TO...
2022年最新影响因子出炉! “神刊”:CA-A CANCER JOURNAL FOR CLINICIANS的影响因子下滑至286.13(2020 IF 508.7),但继续霸榜第一。 国刊之光:Cell Research影响因子达到46.297,较去年IF 25.617,大幅上涨。 备受关注的三大刊(NATURE、SCIENCE、CELL)影响因子...
644 tumour regions sampled at surgery or during follow-up from the first 421 patients with non-small cell lung cancer prospectively enrolled into the TRACERx study. This project aims to decipher lung cancer evolution and address the primary study endpoint: determining the relationship between...
et al. Proliferative activity of intratumoral CD8+ T-lymphocytes as a prognostic factor in human renal cell carcinoma: clinicopathologic demonstration of antitumor immunity. Cancer Res. 61, 5132–5136 (2001). CAS PubMed Google Scholar Curiel, T. J. et al. Specific recruitment of regulatory T ...
Cancer-associated fibroblasts (CAF) can be recruited and activated by cancer-secreted growth factors, among which TGF-β is the main factor contributing to their activation [134-136]. Associations between TRPV1 and TGF-β in somatic cells have been reported for many years. For instance, Bodo ...
Journal Abbreviation: CANCER RES Journal ISSN: 0008-5472Year Impact Factor (IF) Total Articles Total Cites 2023 (2024 update) 12.5 253 122978 2022 11.2 - 141481 2021 13.312 - 161957 2020 12.701 453 159236 2019 9.727 536 135753 2018 8.378 555 130932 2017 9.130 632 139291 2016 9.122 648 ...
The impact of colony-stimulating factors on cancer chemotherapy. Br. J. Haematol. 75:303-307; 1990.Morstyn G. The impact of colony stimulating factor on cancer chemotherapy. Br J Haematol 1990; 7 5 : 303-7.Morstyn, G.: The impact of colony stimulating factors on cancer chemotherapy. Brit...
CANCER J CLIN Jul-35 NEW ENGL J MED 0028-4793 REV MOD PHYS 0034-6861 ANNU REV IMMUNOL 0732-0582 NAT REV MOL CELL BIO 1471-0072 NAT REV CANCER 1474-175X NAT GENET 1061-4036 NATURE 0028-0836 NAT REV IMMUNOL 1474-1733 0066-4154 18621 LANCET 0140-6736 CHEM REV Sep-65 NAT REV GENET ...