YearImpact Factor (IF)Total ArticlesTotal Cites 2023 (2024 update)72.5359496 202278.5-63667 202169.800-66699 202060.7165262391 201953.0304352053 201851.8485250529 201742.7844950407 201637.1475646017 201534.2445541846 201437.4006139868 201337.9126636052 201235.0006932628 ...
(Clarivate Analytics)发布了最新年度期刊引证报告(JCR), 其中包含我们所关注的最新影响因子(Impact Factor, IF). 科研界对每年影响因子发布可谓是翘首以待,据小编统计发现,今年的影响因子普遍呈下降趋势,具体有哪些变化呢?快跟随小编一起来看看吧! TOP1. 顶级神刊 今年排名榜首的仍然还是顶级神刊CA A CANCER ...
1.Impact factor. The cover shows an artist’s impression of the collision between the protoplanet Theia and proto-Earth about 4.5 billion years ago. It has been suggested that it was this ‘Giant Impact’ that formed the Moon, but direct evidence for the existence of Theia remains elusive. ...
随着2023年6月28日,科睿唯安(Clarivate Analytics)发布了最新年度期刊引证报告(JCR), 其中包含我们所关注的最新影响因子(Impact Factor, IF)。科研界对每年影响因子发布可谓是翘首以待,但据统计发现,今年的影响因子普遍呈下降趋势,具体有哪些变化呢?下面一起来看看吧! TOP1. 顶级神刊 今年排名榜首的仍然还是顶级神...
北京时间6月28日,Clarivate(科睿唯安)统计并发布了全球最新版期刊征引报告(Journal Citation Reports, JCR)和2022年SCI影响因子(Journal Impact Factor)变化。 最大变化 自2023年起,JCR将对Web of Science核心合集收录的所有期刊赋予期刊影响因子。2023年前,只有被SCIE或SSCI收录的期刊才有影响因子。这意味着AHCI和ES...
13 October 2023 | Open Access USP36 stabilizes nucleolar Snail1 to promote ribosome biogenesis and cancer cell survival upon ribotoxic stress Targeting ribosome biogenesis with the ribosome inhibitor, homoharringtonine (HHT), is effective in leukaemia but not in solid tumours. Here, the authors ...
Intratumour oxidative hotspots provide a niche for cancer cell dissemination Ueda et al. develop a sensor targeted to tumour cells that tracks extracellular H2O2. Tumour cells in H2O2hotspots undergo partial epithelial–mesenchymal transition and migrate away from H2O2hotspots. This is not seen in NRF2...
今年排名榜首的仍然还是顶级神刊CA A CANCER JOURNAL FOR CLINICIANS,它自2008年以来一直稳坐第一,今年公布的最新影响因子为254.7,与去年的286.130相比虽然有小幅下降,但是依然占据榜首。 四大医学期刊 Lancet由202.731降至168.9↓; NEW ENGLAND JOURNAL OF MEDICINE由2022年的176.079降至158.5↓; ...
《NatureReviews.Endocrinology》杂志2023年9月5日在线发表德国、美国、西班牙、意大利、荷兰、巴西、发过、日本、以色列、英国、澳大利亚的Stephan Petersenn, Maria Fleseriu , Felipe F Casanueva ,等36位学者联合撰写的《垂体泌乳素腺瘤的诊断和治疗:垂体学会国际共识声明Diagnosis and management of prolactin-secreting...
Cancer 346 Cell Systems 347 PLANT CELL 348 Cancer Immunology Research 349 Annual Review of Environment and Resources 349 Annual Review of Environment and Resources 15,434 11,493 669 3,262 20,299 7,232 8,108 448,064 2,939 954 60,772 28,572 7,478 15,375 2,304 5,750 888 1,748 3,...