Impactfactors2021Report--List of journals by Clarivate Analytics (JCR)doi:10.13140/RG.2.2.26771.40487Rania Mkhinini Gahar
An indicator of the impact of journals based on the percentage of their highly cited publications Purpose: The two most used citation impact indicators in the assessment of scientific journals are, nowadays, the impact factor and the h-index. However, b... Gonzalez-Betancor, Sara M,Dorta-Gonz...
Juniper Publishers|Juniper Journals|3700 Park View Ln #12B, Irvine, California 92612, USA ISSN:2474-7610 Impact Factor:2.165 (2023-24) Ingress Full textAuthor GuidelinesSubmit Your PaperOpen AccessPropose Special IssueRecommend to LibrarianEditor RegistrationsIndexing & ArchivingOrder ReprintsPay Online ...
Here is the latest Impact Factor List of 2021 provided by the Journal Citation Report (JCR). It contains over 12000 Journals. JCR was earlier published as Science Citation Index, and now it is published by Clarivate Analytics, a Web of Science Group. Impact Factor Calculations IF 2021 = (Ci...
最近生物化学杂志(JBC)的两位副主编,Vincent C. Hascall和Richard W Hanson写了一篇文章,“JBC on Journal Ranking”,文章非常有意思,对于现在科学界一切跟着影响因子(Impact Factor)转的潮流,算是浇上了一点冷水,也表达了JBC这个百年老杂志的不满之情。
Your muscles cannot get Journal Statistics Impact Factor:* 5.3 CiteScore:2.9 Acceptance Rate:73.64% Time to first decision:10.4 days Time from article received to acceptance:2-3 weeks Discover More:Recent Articles
For any kind of queries, please contact us *Impact Factor mentioned on our website is provided byCosmos Foundation, Germany. PubMed Indexed Articles Case ReportUSA 10.26502/jppch.74050172 ...
Thomson Reuters公司,2015年6月发布的共580种综合及化学类期刊2014影响因子!
SpringerOpen has become a signatory of the San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA), the commitment to move away from a single measure of a journal’s impact (Impact Factor) to the provision of a wider set of metrics and measurements. SpringerOpen has been compliant with the ma...
A universal voice for science and scientists, the Vector Biology Journal fulfills its mission of advancing science and serving the society, by communicating the essential value of science to the general public and promoting the advancements in science ed