The highest impact factor top 100 journals in the world impact factor 2025 and publishers namely Science Magazine, Nature
Top 10 Microbiology Journals by Impact FactorCites, Total
A comparison of the top journals of Japan and China, focusing on the top impact factor journals by field and analysis of top journals of China 来自 喜欢 0 阅读量: 4 作者: K Hayashi DOI: 10.11514/infopro.2020.0_55 年份: 2020 ...
announced today that its journalIEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (TPAMI)earned the highest 2022 Journal Impact Factor™ (JIF™) of all IEEE CS publications, securing the top spot among artificial intelligence journals. ...
期刊网址: 投稿网址: CAR指数2023年三月份科瑞唯安官方一次性毫无征兆地剔除35本涉及学术诚信问题的期刊,让我们认识到CAR指数(一种评价期刊学术诚信风险的指数,超过10%为高风险,有被踢风险,越高代表风险越大)的重要性...
IF: 4.4 ┃ CAER ranks Top 3 in Agri. Econ. & Policy Journals CAER编辑部 2024-06-21 08:35 北京 According to the latest Journal Citation Report (JCR) released by Clarivate Analytics on June 20, 2024, the 2023...
“But everyone recognizes that we’re [beholden] to it. This is the first step to a more mature evaluation process for journals.” The TOP Factor attempts to capture elements of journal quality that aren’t considered by standard metrics such as impact factor, which is solely based on citati... /home/JEF 简介 《JOURNAL OF ENGINEERED FIBERS AND FABRICS》是一份经过同行评审的纯开放获取期刊,旨在促进纺织品、服装和纤维结构工程相关领域研究与热点的快速和广泛传播。2019年初该杂志与《JOURNAL OF TEXTILES AND FIB...
目前,该期刊已被Journal Citation Reports,AGRICOLA,Biological Abstracts,Biological and Agricultural Index,BIOSIS Citation Index,CAB International,Current Contents,Elsevier Bibliographic Databases,PubMed/Medline,Web of Science,Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)以及Scopus等国际数据库/平台收录。