2024年6月20日,Clarivate发布了2023年度《期刊引证报告》,The Innovation影响因子(Impact Factor)为33.2;综合性期刊全球排名第三;在全球24,625本期刊中排名第53位;与2022年度相比「The Innovation | First Impact Factor: 32.1」,保持稳定发展。 2024年6月5日,Elsevier发布了2023年度引用分(CiteScore)指标,The Innova...
2023年度期刊影响因子(Impact Factor, IF)已于正式公布。今年,爱思唯尔有近百本期刊首次获得影响因子,其中包括70余本开放获取期刊。我们按照学科领域分类整理了这些首获影响因子的期刊,推荐给广大研究人员。 这些期刊中,有哪些值得特别关注?让我们通过这篇文章,为您一一解答。您可点击相应链接,了解期刊详情,同时也期待...
“如果你做了这个东西,发了一个差点的期刊,你就觉得他没有impact,你就觉得他不好吗?” 他这一下把我问住了,确实很扎心,一直以来我没想过impact factor里面的“impact”该如何定义,然后我就说: “我理解你说的,我们是为了做一个很好...
YearImpact Factor (IF)Total ArticlesTotal Cites 2023 (2024 update)25.514272423 202232.4-77462 202143.474-82516 202031.74515070517 201922.55317154819 201821.52215951051 201719.73415046541 201622.84519543303 201524.08217439637 201421.56114937232 201319.74818234787 201219.79516432546 ...
Year Impact Factor (IF) Total Articles Total Cites 2023 (2024 update) 13.0 3409 124288 2022 13.3 - 106155 2021 15.153 - 97357 2020 13.281 1256 77926 2019 11.459 972 60569 2018 10.856 1036 49968 2017 9.598 748 41643 2016 8.643 649 35042 2015 8.315 681 30275 2014 8.368 581 26638 2013 7.514...
With the climate impact of a product an increasingly important factor in consumer choices, John Newton spoke about our new product carbon footprint labels helping to business’s commitment to take action to reduce their impact. Read on The Grocer ...
The other big factor, which is already sort of happening now is that while we've had a very big hiking cycle by the central banks, that's going to start to get reversed. We have not just the Fed, but every single central bank in the world, excluding the Bank of Japan, going to ...
US companies should seek to further diversify their supply chains and factor further trade tensions into their business plans to mitigate the risk of disruptions. It will also be important to assess risk exposure in both markets, considering factors such as tariffs and export controls. ...
COVID-19 as a factor influencing air pollution? Environ. Pollut. 263, 114466. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envpol.2020.114466 [18] Fattorini, D., Regoli, F., 2020. Role of the chronic air pollution levels in the Covid-19 outbreak risk in Italy. Environ. Pollut. 264, 114732 [19]...