“如果你做了这个东西,发了一个差点的期刊,你就觉得他没有impact,你就觉得他不好吗?” 他这一下把我问住了,确实很扎心,一直以来我没想过impact factor里面的“impact”该如何定义,然后我就说: “我理解你说的,我们是为了做一个很好的东西,但是我还是需要在面子上过得去。就是我一定需要一些数字上的东西。...
“如果你做了这个东西,发了一个差点的期刊,你就觉得他没有impact,你就觉得他不好吗?” 他这一下把我问住了,确实很扎心,一直以来我没想过impact factor里面的“impact”该如何定义,然后我就说: “我理解你说的,我们是为了做一个很好的东西,但是我还是需要在面子上过得去。就是我一定需要一些数字上的东西。...
2006 SCI 期刊影响因子(impact factor)excel格式下载 按照字母排序 列出共计6164种期刊 [search]2006 ...
Results indicate a total CMB of 20.824% extracted through Harman’s single-factor analysis, which is substantially lower than the recommended standard of 50% total variance. Additionally, Person correlation analysis indicates that there is no high bivariate correlation between constructs (r > 0.90...
已确认最新 2014 SSCI Journal Impact Factor:2014最新SSCI影响因子_JCR Impact Factor_(3041种完整版)....
We discover that phosphorylation of eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4E (P-eIF4E) is induced during fasting. We show that P-eIF4E is responsible for controlling the translation of genes involved in lipid catabolism and the production of ketone bodies. Inhibiting P-eIF4E impairs ketogenesis in...
Von Willebrand factor PT: Prothrombin time aPTT: Activated partial thromboplastin time NETosis: Program for the formation of neutrophil extracellular traps References Zhu N, Zhang D, Wang W, et al. A novel coronavirus from patients with Pneumonia in China, 2019. N Engl J Med. 2020;382(...
[4] it was measured that, when increasing the irradiance from about 1013 W/cm2 by a factor of 10, the dose rate per Watt of average laser power increases by about a factor of 10,000. This highlights the critical relationship between irradiance and laser pulse duration: as the pulse ...
Regional differences of agricultural total factor carbon efficiency in China Article Open access 27 June 2024 The impact of land transfer policy on sustainable agricultural development in China Article Open access 25 March 2024 Introduction Green production is not only related to environmental protecti...
However, it is important to assess paralysis and lumbar deformities as a potential factor in patients with asymmetric HV, as this information is vital for surgical decision-making and for providing comprehensive explanations to patients regarding the possibility of recurrence....