The article focuses on the importance of impact factor (IF) and Q1 class of journals in the world university rankings. It states that IF indicates the popularity of a journal based on the number of citations it receives in a year and based on the Journal Citation Reports (JCR) database ...
Impact Factor1 5 Year Impact Factor1.5 Cite Score2.7 Submission to First Decision - Days (Median)14 Social Media Mentions102 Downloads242,865 American Journal of Dance Therapy Impact Factor0.8 5 Year Impact Factor1 Cite Score1.4 Submission to First Decision - Days (Median)13 Social Media Menti...
5 Year Impact Factor2.3 Cite Score4.2 Submission to First Decision - Days (Median)7 Social Media Mentions12 Downloads198,630 Colloid Journal Impact Factor1.4 5 Year Impact Factor1 Cite Score2.2 Social Media Mentions11 Downloads41,019 Fibre Chemistry Impact Factor0.5 5 Year Impact Factor0.5 Cit...
Impact factor of a field:the average number of times that articles published in journals of that field in the two previous years (e.g. 1997–1998) were cited in a particular year (e.g. 1999). This can be calculated by weightingjournal impact factorsby the number of articles they have ...
1. 點選首頁上方的「Browse journals」 2. 點選畫面左側的「Filter」 3. 展開「Categories」的選單,勾選欲分析的領域 (可多選),例如:FOOD SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY,然後按下「Apply」。 4. FOOD SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY 領域的期刊排名如下所示,可選擇依照2020 JIF,即Impact Factor數值的高低來排序。
[...] and technology but also in social sciences and the humanities, journals identify their prestigious nature and their quality by their ranking according to journal impact factor. 不仅科学、工程和技术领域的 期刊通过自己基于期刊影响因子的排名,来标榜自己的声望, 社会科学和人文学科...
We integrate approximately one million aerial site measurements into regional emissions inventories for six regions in the USA, finding methane emission intensities that vary by more than a factor of ten. Evan D. Sherwin , Jeffrey S. Rutherford & Adam R. Brandt Article 06 March 2024 | Open...
An indicator of the impact of journals based on the percentage of their highly cited publications Purpose: The two most used citation impact indicators in the assessment of scientific journals are, nowadays, the impact factor and the h-index. However, b... Gonzalez-Betancor, Sara M,Dorta-Gonz...
1.期刊影响系数(Journal Impact Factor):目的在计算某一期刊前两年(五年)所发表之论文的论文在当年间被引用的比率。 …|基于8个网页 3. 期刊影响指数 期刊影响指数(Journal Impact Factor)从1975年以来,Thomson Reuters集团出版的。
Journal of Nanotechnology Research PubMed indexed journals, Impact Factor journals, Web of Science indexed journals, Medline indexed journals