•Code on Intact Stability (IS), 2009 Edition (KC874E) •Code on Noise Levels on Board Ships, 2014 Edition (K817E) •Collision Regulations Convention (COLREGS), 2003 Edition (IB904E) •Compensation Fund for Oil Pollution Damage, 1972 Bi...
•Code on Intact Stability (IS), 2009 Edition (KC874E) •Code on Noise Levels on Board Ships, 2014 Edition (K817E) •Collision Regulations Convention (COLREGS), 2003 Edition (IB904E) •Compensation Fund for Oil Pollution Damage, 1972 Bilingual Edition (E420B) •Compensation Fund Re...
amendments to the Code's recommendatory part B, including substantial additions to chapter 2 on Recommended design criteria for certain types of ships and chapter 3 on Guidance in preparing stability information, as well as the provision of a new annex 3; criteria based on the best state-of-...
ANNEX INTERNATIONALCODEONINTACTSTABILITY,2008 (2008 IS CODE) CONTENTS PREAMBLE INTRODUCTION 1 Purpose 2 Definitions PART A – MANDATORY CRITERIA Chapter 1 – General 1.1 Application 1.2 Dynamic stability phenomena in waves Chapter 2 – General criteria ...
内容提示: MSC 85/26/Add.1 I:\MSC\85\26-Add-1.doc ANNEX 2 RESOLUTION MSC.267(85) (adopted on 4 December 2008) ADOPTION OF THE INTERNATIONAL CODE ON INTACT STABILITY, 2008 (2008 IS CODE) THE MARITIME SAFETY COMMITTEE, RECALLING Article 28(b) of the Convention on the International ...
MSC85/26/Add.1 ANNEX2 Page1 ANNEX2 RESOLUTIONMSC.267(85) (adoptedon4December2008) ADOPTIONOFTHEINTERNATIONALCODEONINTACTSTABILITY,2008 (2008ISCODE) THEMARITIMESAFETYCOMMITTEE, RECALLINGArticle28(b)oftheConventionontheInternationalMaritimeOrganization concerningthefunctionsoftheCommittee, RECALLINGALSOresolution...
Immediately, after the release of international intact stability code (IS 2008 code [1]) IMO started to work on second generation intact stability criteria which would incorporated the ship dynamics in realistic sea waves [2], Following detail discussions [3-5] at IMO subcommittee level, it was...
TEC-1191 (2) Unified interpretation on 2008 IS Code (See attachment 16) The interpretation for Part B of 2008 IS Code was approved to clarify assumed loading conditions to calculate the intact stability for tankers assigned with a tropical load line. (3) Unified interpretation relevant...
Annex 1 amends SOLASchapters II-1 and II-2, taking into account the new mandatory andrecommendatory stability requirements of the International Code on IntactStability, 2008 (2008 IS Code). Annex 2 amends SO 12、LAS chapters II-2, VIand VII, in matters pertaining to solid bulk cargoes, and...