PART A – MANDATORY CRITERIA Chapter 1 – General 1.1 Application 1.2 Dynamic stability phenomena in waves Chapter 2 – General criteria 2.1 General 2.2 Criteria regarding righting lever curve properties 2.3 Severe wind and rolling criterion (weather criterion) ...
Vulnerability formulas and criteria checks prescribed by IMO[5] are programmed using FORTRAN programming language. Level-1 vulnerability check is based on magnitude of stability change and level-2 vulnerability assessment consist of two checks: 1) first check requires calculation of metacentric height ...
16500dwt化学品船技术规格书油船化学品船imo ii.pdf,ODELY 16.5k PRODUCT/IMO II TANKER 稀有的鱼 Page 1/255 SPECIFICATION OF 16,500DWT PRODUCT OIL/CHEMICAL IMO II TANKER 16500DWT 油船/化学品船 IMO II 规格书 NO SMOKING (本规格书中,中文、英文有出入 英文为准
MSC85/26/Add.1 ANNEX2 Page2 ANNEX INTERNATIONALCODEONINTACTSTABILITY,2008 (2008ISCODE) CONTENTS PREAMBLE INTRODUCTION 1 Purpose 2 Definitions PART A – MANDATORY CRITERIA Chapter 1 – General 1.1 Application 1.2 Dynamic stability phenomena in waves Chapter 2 – General criteria 2.1 General 2.2 ...
需要金币:*** 金币(10金币=人民币1元) IMO发布船上应具备的证书和文件清单(2013版).pdf 关闭预览 想预览更多内容,点击免费在线预览全文 免费在线预览全文 E 4 ALBERT EMBANKMENT LONDON SE1 7SR Telephone: +44 (0)20 7735 7611 Fax: +44 (0)20 7587 3210 FAL.2/Circ.127 MEPC.1/Circ.817 MSC.1...
The mode test technology for stability failure modes, which included parametric rolling, pure loss of stability, stability under dead ship condition, cases of surf-riding, broaching and excess acceleration, were given in the paper. Key words:Second generation intact stability criteria;Model test; ...
1.3.13 Dangerous chemicals means any liquid chemicals designated as presenting a safety hazard, based on the safety criteria for assigning products to chapter 17. 1.3.14 Density is the ratio of the mass to the volume of a product, expressed in terms of kilograms per cubic metre. This applies...
The evaluation criteria and limitations are the same as those described in Section 4.2.1. And in this section, we used a scoring method ranging from 0 to 2 points to enable an objective comparison within the scope of the four questions presented for the research purpose. 0 points indicate ...
2010年上半年生效的IMO公约.pdf,C C S 通函 Circular 中国船级社 技术管理处(2009年)通函第 029号总第 358号 2009年12月2 日(共5页) TO:本社总部有关处室、验船师、审图中心,有关船东、船舶管理公司,船厂、设计单位 关于将在 2010 年上半年生效的 IMO 强制性文件的