血小板减少性紫癜(Immune Thrombocytopenia, ITP)是否为慢性疾病,需根据具体类型和病程来判断:1. 急性与慢性的区分 急性ITP:多见于儿童,常由病毒感染诱发,起病急骤,但多数在6个月内自行缓解或经治疗后恢复。慢性ITP:多见于成人,病程超过6个月,易反复发作,可能需长期治疗或观察。2. 是否为慢性疾病?成人...
What is immune thrombocytopenia?Immune thrombocytopenia is a bleeding disorder. Immune thrombocytopenia may happen when your immune system attacks and destroys your platelets. This causes low platelet levels. Platelets are cells that help the blood clot or stop bleeding. When platelet levels are low, ...
(redirected fromimmune thrombocytopenia) Thesaurus Medical Encyclopedia throm·bo·cy·to·pe·ni·a (thrŏm′bə-sī′tə-pē′nē-ə) n. An abnormally low level of platelets in the circulating blood. throm′bo·cy′to·pe′nicadj. ...
• Thrombocytopenia and purpura may be caused by: -Ineffective thrombocytopoiesis (pernicious anemia) -Nonimmune platelet destruction (septicemia, disseminated intravascular coagulation, hypersplenism) • Platelet count • Bone marrow biopsy • Peripheral blood smear • Antiplatelet autoantibody titers...
免疫性血小板低下症(immune thrombocytopenia)、血小板生成素类似物(thrombopoietin mimetics)、巨核细胞(megakary… homepage.vghtpe.gov.tw|基于3个网页 3. 免疫性血小板缺乏 ...有些还发生口腔黏膜出血甚至肠胃道内出血,极有可能为免疫性血小板缺乏(Immune Thrombocytopenia)。
adults with immune thrombocytopenia (ITP) when certain medicines or surgery to remove your spleen have not worked well enough. Read More Prescribing Information & Medication Guide Indications Important Safety Information Healthcare Professionals QUESTIONS? CONTACT US FOLLOW US: About ITP Nplate® 101...
Immune ThrombocytopeniaRobert McmillanClinics in Haematology
Immune Thrombocytopenia_Nichola Cooper 下载积分: 1500 内容提示: The new england journal of medicinen engl j med 381;10 nejm.org September 5, 2019945Clinical PracticeA 72-year-old woman who is receiving apixaban for atrial fibrillation but otherwise does not have a clinically significant medical ...
Immune Thrombocytopenia Risk Factors Chronic ITP is up to three times more common in women than men. You may be at higher risk if you: Have an infection like HIV, hepatitis C, cytomegalovirus, or varicella zoster (the virus that causes herpes and shingles) ...
(redirected fromalloimmune thrombocytopenia) Thesaurus Medical Encyclopedia throm·bo·cy·to·pe·ni·a (thrŏm′bə-sī′tə-pē′nē-ə) n. An abnormally low level of platelets in the circulating blood. throm′bo·cy′to·pe′nicadj. ...