检查点阻断(checkpoint blockade)是一种利用免疫反应来治疗癌症的强大新策略。溶瘤病毒疗法则是利用病毒来消灭肿瘤的一种干预疗法。来自Ludwig癌症研究中心的一项研究表明联合两者将有可能大大提高临床疗效。 发表在3月5日《科学转化医学》(Science Translational Medicine)杂志上的这项研究对联合治疗进行了评估。研究人员首...
Immune Checkpoint Blockade: InestimAble Advances-免疫检查点阻断:前景不可估量 在过去的十年里,随着调节T细胞反应研究的不断突破,为免疫检测点阻断单克隆抗体(mAbs)的发展提供理论基础,不断攻克癌症治疗的难题。尽管还存在疗效差异(10%到90%)...
癌症治疗的不断发展见证了免疫治疗的出现,特别是免疫检查点阻断(immune checkpoint blockade, ICB),作为应对晚期食管癌挑战的一种有希望的途径[5]。在食管切除术前使用新辅助ICB(neoadjuvant ICB, NICB)治疗已成为一种潜在的解决方案,在这篇文章中,我们旨在剖析这种方法的细节,从全面的单细胞角度提供见解。 Liu等人最...
Immune checkpoint blockade: a common denominator approach to cancer therapy. The immune system recognizes and is poised to eliminate cancer but is held in check by inhibitory receptors and ligands. These immune checkpoint pathways, which normally maintain self-tolerance and limit collateral tissue ...
The recent success of immune checkpoint blockade in cancer therapy suggests that targeting these pathways would also be effective for preventing and treating a range of infectious diseases. Here, we review our current understanding of immune checkpoint pathways in the pathogenesis of infectious diseases ...
Immunotherapy targeting programmed cell death-1 (PD-1) and PD-L1 immune checkpoints has reshaped treatment paradigms across several cancers, including breast cancer. Combining PD-1/PD-L1 immune checkpoint blockade (ICB) with chemotherapy has shown promis
Checkpoint inhibitors (CPI);Immune checkpoint inhibitors Definition Immune checkpoint blockade identifies a form ofcancer immunotherapythat acts by unmasking the tumor cells from the host’s immune system. The so-called checkpoint proteins present on cancer cells and/or on cells of the immune system ...
(IF 9.756)Fan Luo, Fei-Teng Lu, Jia-Xin Cao, Wen-Juan Ma, Zeng-Fei Xia, Jian-Hua Zhan, Kang-Mei Zeng, Yan Huang, Hong-Yun Zhao, Li Zhang Pub Date: 2022-01-26 Synergistic antitumor activity of pan-PI3K inhibition and immune checkpoint blockade in bladder cancer.J. Immunotherapy Cance...
Immune Checkpoint Blockade: T Cell Responses There is great interest in identifying downstream T cell responses following immune checkpoint blockade to direct more effective treatments and better-informed therapeutic decisions. R&D Systems and Tocris offer a wide selection of reagents, kits, and assays ...