Pyke, Karen (2004): Immigrant Families in the US. In: Jacqueline Scott, Judith Treas, Martin Richards (Hrsg.): The Blackwell Companion to the Sociology of Families. Malden u.a.: Blackwell, S. 253 - 269Pyke, K. 2004. "Immigrant Families in the U.S." Pp. 253-69. In: The ...
Economic and anthropological assessments of the health of children in Maya immigrant families in the US Immigration from developing countries to the US generally increases access to health care and clean water, but it also introduces some unhealthy lifestyle ... PK Smith,B Bogin,Varela-Silva, Mar...
This exploratory study examines Russian immigrant parents’ (i) child care type selection, (ii) child care information seeking, and (iii) characteristics that are important for Russian immigrant families in child care. In this study, the term parents is used generally to designate child’s ...
This paper examines the assimilation of immigrant families in the United States. Chapter 1, "Introduction," reviews basic issues. Chapter 2, "Why Discuss the Integration of Immigrant Families?" examines such issues as continuing mismatches between immigration and immigrant policies, population dispersal...
athe population in Africa is doubling every 24 years.Many families continue to have large numbers of children.In Kenya,for example,the population will increase 10 times in the next 80 years.Therefore,it is necessary to control the population growth 人口在非洲加倍每24年。许多家庭继续有很大数量的...
typically, th e first generation born in Americ a is bilingual, and th e second is mon olingual - in English , th e children often stru ggling to speak easily with their immigrant gr andparents .In th e past , governments discouraged im migrant families from keeping their language s .... Gonzalez, D., Karpman, M., & Bernstein, H. (2021). COVID-19 vaccine attitudes among adults in immigrant families in California. Urban Institute.
wonderedmany children were working instead of being in school.C. expressedD. mentionedAfter asking their parents, he learned that the 1010. A. schoolsB. communitieshad no other choices. They couldn't 11 their mealsC. governmentsD. familiesif the children didn't work. This 12 was the11. A...
This practice-based research study examines a US-based preventive services program tailored to immigrant and refugee families that have been subject to a Child Protective Services report. The model is the result of a collaboration between an immigrant serving community-based agency and a county depart...
They come here to get a job, raise their families, and get an education. To express their need for stability is important. In “Border on Our Backs,” Rodriguez carries some sociological information of how Latinos feel judged. The author states, “Just who precisely needs to be pardoned?