Fibbi, Rosita and Philippe Wanner, "Children in immigrant families in Switzerland: On a path between discrimination and integration," United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)-Innocenti working paper, 2009.Fibbi, Rosita; Wanner, Philippe (2009): Children in immigrant families in Switzerland. On a...
(2005). Children in immigrant families. July 27, 2007 retrieved from, D. J., Denton, N. A., & Macartney, S. E., (2007). Children inimmigrant families—The U.S. and 50 States: National origins, language,and early education...
This brief presents the most current data available on the health, education and family well-being of children in California's immigrant families, who represent 51% of the state's total child population. It challenges misinformed and negative stereotypes about children in immigrant families. For exa...
The profound shift taking place in the composition of the school-age population has implications for schools. Purpose/Objective/Research Questions/Focus of Study: This article presents a demographic overview of school-age children in immigrant families and compares them with their peers in native-born...
Inequities Faced by Children in Immigrant Families in United States NICUs doi:10.1542/neo.25-4-e237chillsimmigrantshealth careNeoreviewsOsvaldo Mercado, MDTimothy D. Nelin, MDAna Arias-Oliveras, CRNP, MSNDiana Montoya-Williams, MD, MSHP
See how life is being lived by immigrant families at the U.S.-Mexico border and regional hot spots. Here, an asylum-seeking girl from Cuba clutches a doll as she and her mother await an appointment with U.S. officials in the northern Mexican border state of Chihuahua. ...
2015. "The participation of immigrant families with children with SEN in schools: a qualitative study in the area of Barcelona." European Journal of Special Needs Education 30(1): 47-‐60....
Children in immigrant families are more likely than children in native-born families to face a number of risk factors for poor developmental outcomes, including higher poverty rates, lower household incomes, and linguistic isolation, (for example, when older children and adults in a household have ...
This report examines the evidence concerning the impacts of deportation and fear of deportation on unauthorized immigrant families and children. The economic and social instability that generally accompanies unauthorized status is further aggravated for children with a parent's deportation, with effects incl...
Children in French-Speaking African Immigrant Families: Assessing Health Disparities, Cultural Resources, and Health Services.Children in French-Speaking African Immigrant Families: Assessing Health Disparities, Cultural Resources, and Health Services.Research on African Americans in the United States assumes ...