# 如果说有数据库读取不了的问题,或者说部署成功了但是确打不开网站,多半是用户权限的问题 # 尝试解决办法,直接每个容器在container name下面增加一行user:"你的用户名" 或者user: "0:0",windows上应该不会出这个问题,但是群晖和PVE的lxc里面可能会有 name: immich services: immich-server: ... ports: - 2...
为immich导入外部图库,因为immich是运行在容器内的,无法直接访问windows的文件,所以需要在“docker-compose.yml”文件中把相册的路径映射至虚拟机的文件夹。用记事本或者代码编辑工具打开“docker-compose.yml”文件,“volumes:”下增加“ - "E:/我的收藏夹:/mnt/media:rw" ”,意思是我的照片是放在E盘的“我的收...
6.本地端frpc配置,我本地是windows,到上述的github上面下载windows版本的frp就行. frpc本地端修改frpc.toml示例: serverAddr = "替换自己vps的域名,ip" serverPort = 7000 auth.token = "替换自己的令牌密码" [[proxies]] name = "jellyfin" type = "tcp" localIP = "" localPort = 8096 remo...
Version of Immich Server v1.107.0 Version of Immich Mobile App N/A Platform with the issue Server Web Mobile Your docker-compose.yml content # version: "3.8" # # WARNING: Make sure to use the docker-compose.yml of the current release: # # https://github.com/immich-app/immich/rel...
fix(server): don't expose source types in face creation api by @mertalev in #16381 fix(web): storage template incorrect example by @alextran1502 in #16367 fix(server): Fix delay with multiple ml servers by @Tyris in #16284 fix(server): skip stacked assets in duplicate detection by @me...
docker-compose.yml文件内一共配置了四个容器提供服务:immich-server(相册服务)、immich-machine-learning(相册机器学习模块)、redis(缓存)、database(数据库),其关键配置项说明: 点击查看代码 container_name:immich_server#自定义的容器名称image:ghcr.io/immich-app/immich-server:${IMMICH_VERSION:-release}#镜像...
群晖NAS 41期-开源私有云笔记Joplin 狼哥哩个狼 17:43 群晖NAS 39期-docker-compose如何更新? 狼哥哩个狼 17:22 群晖NAS 28期-安装青龙面板薅JD羊毛 狼哥哩个狼 02:15 星回于天数终岁始 11:58 Protainer安装immich大模型相册 董先生or文乐文化 07:04...
windows server2016系统可安装的.net framework3.5 带安装说明文档 2025-03-05 12:13:10 积分:1 PICO RP2040 -O2 -g 编译coremark得到UF2固件 2025-03-05 10:50:18 积分:1 FPGA纯verliog实现串口通信,串口回环 2025-03-05 09:59:55 积分:1 UniteTTC ttc ttf 互转教程及工具ttctools 带使用说明...
chore(server): allow Windows' version of the MIME types for raw photos. by @elliotclee in https://github.com/immich-app/immich/pull/2945 chore(ml): added locustfile by @mertalev in https://github.com/immich-app/immich/pull/2926 chore(mobile): Add more error log by @alextran1502...
feat(server,web): configure image format by @mertalev inhttps://github.com/immich-app/immich/pull/8581 fix:npm ion Windows … by @jellemdekker inhttps://github.com/immich-app/immich/pull/8619 fix(server): delete thumbnail for readonly asset by @Ynng inhttps://github.com/immich-app/imm...