ImmediatelyFast MOD 是一款专为《我的世界》(Minecraft)设计的模组,旨在显著提升游戏的运行速度和整体性能,为玩家带来更加流畅和高效的游戏体验。以下是该模组的详细介绍: 主要功能 性能优化: 提升帧率(FPS):通过优化渲染流程和减少不必要的计算,提高游戏的帧率,特别是在大型建筑或复杂场景中依然保持流畅。 内存管理...
If you decide to test this yourself keep in mind that ImmediatelyFast can only improve FPS in a scenario where your CPU is the bottleneck (Most likely the case if your GPU isn't ancient or you use very heavy shaders). Slower CPUs will benefit more from this mod than really fast CPUs....
ImmediatelyFast-Forge-1.3.3+1.21.1.jar Supported Versions 1.21.1 1.21 Curse Maven Snippet Curse Maven is a repository that simplifies including packages in projects Forge implementation "curse.maven:immediatelyfast-686911:5959914" Copy to clipboard Curse Maven does not yet support mods that have disa...
ImmediatelyFast is an open source Minecraft mod which improves the immediate mode rendering performance of the client. It is designed to be lightweight and compatible with other mods. Optimizations ImmediatelyFast generally optimizes all immediate mode rendering by using a custom buffer implementation wh...
ImmediatelyFast Reforged is structured to interfere with mods as little as possible. It should work fine with most if not all mods and modpacks. Known incompatibilities: Optifine If you encounter any issues, please report them on theIssue Tracker....