FastReset Mod新增了一个暂停菜单按钮,减少了速通中退出世界所用时间。可用于速通。 下载地址 提取码:rc4f支持的MC版本:
Actually Fast Modded Minecraft ByScorchedDuck740 Modpacks 528 Description A neoforged project to get decent fps while still have interesting mods to expand the gameplay of your world. It also comes with shaders, zoom and other QOL features to help you along with progression. Major mods are: ...
A simple Minecraft Forge mod that speeds up leaf decay after you cut down the wood in a tree. By default it will only take about five seconds before all leaves are gone.Mod review, thanks to beardedgoof!RequirementsOnly servers need to have this mod, so if you're playing on a server ...
minecraft documentation bukkit spigot paper worldedit fastasyncworldedit fawe Updated Oct 22, 2023 eldoriarpg / SchematicBrushReborn Star 20 Code Issues Pull requests A minecraft plugin which allows you to use schematics in a brush via world edit minecraft worldedit spigot-plugin minecraft-plugin ...
Minecraft version Mod loader If you want to copy the mods from another profile, use the--importflag. You can also directly provide the profile name to the flag if you don't want a profile picker to be shown. Note Ferium will automatically switch to the newly created profile ...
On mac open finder, hold down ALT and click Go then Library in the top menu bar. Open the folder Application Support and look for Minecraft. Place the mod you have just downloaded (.jar file) into the Mods folder. When you launch Minecraft and click the mods button you should now see...
FastAnim Speeds up entity animation calculations! 1.93M 639 Optimization FastAnim has been archived. FastAnim will not receive any further updates unless the author decides to unarchive the project. Compatibility Minecraft: Java Edition 1.20–1.20.1 ...
The Fast Leave Decay mod, also known as Fast Leaf Decay, is every woodsman’s friend. If you’ve farmed trees for food in Minecraft before, you already know that apples are a rare drop – they also take forever to appear since leaves take forever to break down and disappear after you ...
Come and use FastCap game recorder! FastCap game recorder will not laggard down your PC even when you record at high frames per second (FPS). You can see the game FPS during recording. FastCap's audio and video is fully sync!
Makes Leaves Decay Faster 122.0k 37 Utility Compatibility Minecraft: Java Edition 1.19–1.19.2 Platforms Supported environments Creators hYdosOwner DescriptionChangelogVersions Very Simple Leaf Decay mod for Fabric. ModPack authors may use this mod with or without credit....