The first consists of a short biography of Kant centering on his lifestyle and the circumstances leading to publication of his books, essays, and lectures (Chs. 1-2). The second and most fruitful section covers Kant's thought as presented in his critical works (Chs. 3-12). The third ...
For purposes of contrast, the author examines another work of Humboldt fiction that tends to valorize the Enlightenment and Humboldt's place in this movement: Christoph Hein's short story "Die russischen Briefe des Jgers Johann Seifert." The author stresses both Kant's influence on Humboldt ...
Immanuel Kant - German Philosopher, Enlightenment, Kantianism: Finally, in 1770, after serving for 15 years as a Privatdozent, Kant was appointed to the chair of logic and metaphysics, a position in which he remained active until a few years before his d