更极端的,对于伊曼纽尔·康德(Immanuel Kant),爱德华·吉本(Edward Gibbon)和伏尔泰(Voltaire)这种时代先锋——启蒙时代学者来说,文艺复兴与宗教改革在他们眼里甚至也不过是黑暗时期,因为之前,不论是哪个年代,宗教才是万恶之源(无论是天主教还是新教)。其中突出的是伏尔泰(Francois-Marie Arouet,1694-1778),他用恶毒犀...
KANT, Immanuel, 1724-1804MUSICAL aestheticsMUSIC educationPHILOSOPHY of educationPHILOSOPHY educationPRAXIS (Process)AESTHETICS educationIn international philosophy of music education, there are some philosophers who are important points of reference. One of them is the German Immanuel Kant (1724鈥...
In the Khajuraho Temple, mutual masturbation, among other sex acts, is clearly displayed German philosopher Immanuel Kant considered masturbation worse than suicide, in a certain sense.[10] Masturbating can improve sperm quality by emptying the penis of old sperm.[5] Some Orthodox and Hasidic Jews...
Kant, Immanuel (2019) [1781/1787]:Kritik der reinen Vernunft, Frankfurt amMain.Keller, Peter (2015): “Wir haben die saftigeren Geschichten”, in:Tagesanzeiger(24.02.2015), https://www.tagesanzeiger.ch/wissen/geschichte/wir-haben-die-saftigeren-geschichten/story/27555266 (11.05.2022).Keyes,...
更极端的,对于伊曼纽尔·康德(Immanuel Kant),爱德华·吉本(Edward Gibbon)和伏尔泰(Voltaire)这种时代先锋——启蒙时代学者来说,文艺复兴与宗教改革在他们眼里甚至也不过是黑暗时期,因为之前,不论是哪个年代,宗教才是万恶之源(无论是天主教还是新教)。其中突出的是伏尔泰(Francois-Marie Arouet,1694-1778),他用恶毒...
- Immanuel Kant The ancient Mesopotamians saw the Divine as the power within certain immanent objects, such as the sun and moon, or the power that caused a seed to grow.[18] In 1652, Mary Adams of Tillingham, England, claimed that she was pregnant with God's child, who was to be ...
Beethoven's music spoke so much of the eras that both preceded and followed his and managed to encapsulate the German nationalism of Goethe, the philosophical searching of Immanuel Kant, the originality and emotion of Romanticism, and the ideas of freedom and equality espoused by the French ...
Immanuel Kant (1724–1804) was a German philosopher whose ethical perspective was called “categorical imperative”, a universal ethical principle stating that one should always respect the humanity of others, and only act in accordance with rules that could hold for everyone. Hammurabi (1810–1750...
- Immanuel Kant When you look up at the night sky with the naked eye, every star you see is part of our own Milky Way Galaxy.[8] The Milky Way Galaxy and the stars that it contains are, on average, around 13.6 billion years old.[8] ...
Immanuel Kant Biography: Lesson for Kids Immanuel Kant's Philosophy: Lesson for Kids Voltaire Lesson for Kids: Biography & Facts Socrates Lesson for Kids: Biography & Facts The Trial of Socrates: Lesson for Kids Socrates' Philosophy: Lesson for Kids Jean-Jacques Rousseau Biography: Lesson...