immanently 释义 固有地;内在地
必应词典为您提供immanently的释义,网络释义: 内在地;合并体内在地;
immanently immanently对比immanent 分析词典对比组词对比 (1).维基词典immanentlyimmanent In an immanent manner. Naturally part of something; existing throughout and within something; intrinsic Restricted entirely to the mind or a given domain; internal; subjective....
productions to ‘re-work’ major practices, and ‘this is preciselytheimmanentpower of children’s play’ (Katz 2004: 149). 这些时刻提供了转变主 导的社会空间制造以“重组”重要活动的机会,而且“这正是儿童游戏的内在力量”(Katz 2004:149)。
immanent (redirected fromimmanently) Thesaurus Encyclopedia innate, inborn, intrinsic:an immanent gift of musical ability;inherent; existing or remaining within; subjective Not to be confused with: emanate– to flow out, issue, or proceed; come forth; originate; emit; arise, spring:His great talen...
酷狗音乐为您提供由Natnael Dael演唱的高清音质无损Immanently Beingmp3在线听,听Immanently Being,只来酷狗音乐!
immanently adverb Synonyms built-in constitutional constitutive essential hardwired inborn inbred indigenous ingrain ingrained engrained inherent innate integral intrinsic native natural See All Synonyms & Antonyms in Thesaurus Examples of immanent in a Sentence a question as to whether altruism is ...
Immanently Quotes(2 quotes) His spiritual insights were in three major areas: First, he has inspired mankind to see the world anew as the ultimate reality. Second, he perceived and described the physical universe itself as immanently divine. And finally, he challenged us to accept the ultimate...
In this essay, it is argued that God through the Spirit is both the immanent and eminent principle of creativity, ever wooing and empowering the advancements in complexity within biological evolution. I argue herein also that God, particularly in and through the activity of the Spirit of ...
aJust as the landscape “seduces the 道,” so must the painting; and just as the 道 responds by investing the landscape with its essence, so will it respond to a skilled miniaturization. Everything, after all, is but a replica of some original type housed immanently in the 道, and eac...