必应词典为您提供immanent.critique的释义,网络释义: 内在批判;内在批评;内部批判;
“immanent critiques"的含义和定义 noun plural of [i]immanent critique[/i] 更多 例句与“ immanent critiques " 变形 干 匹配词 所有 精确 任何 And, in fact , Kant does not realise his project of immanent critique . Literature Immanence is the totality of those identitarian positions ...
Porter S. Realist evaluation: an immanent critique. Nurs Philos. 2015;16(4):239-51.Porter S. Realist evaluation: an immanent critique. Nursing Philosophy. 2015;16(4):239-51.Porter, S. Realist evaluation: an immanent critique. Nursing philosophy: an international journal for healthcare ...
读音:英['ɪmənənt] 美['ɪmənənt] GRE immanent 基本解释 a. 内在的, 固有的 immanent 网络释义 adj. 内在的;固有的 词组短语 1、immanentvalue 内在价值 2、immanentcontradiction 内在矛盾,固有矛盾 3、immanentcritique 内在批判
Having lived through the Kantian moral...doi:10.1111/1467-8675.12257Gent CarrabreguJohn Wiley & Sons, LtdConstellationsCarrabregu, Gent. 2016. Habermas on Solidarity: An Immanent Critique. Constellations 23: 507-22. [CrossRef]
English as a Lingua Franca: Applied Linguistics, Marxism, and Post-Marxist theory This paper is motived by a reading of "English as a Lingua Franca: An Immanent Critique" (O'REGAN, 2014), who claims that ELF researchers place their work ... JR Schmitz - 《Rev.bras.linguist.apl》 被引...
J. (1981) `Immanent critique as the core of critical theory', British Journal of Sociology, 32 (3), 330-345.Antonio, R. J. (1981): Immanent Critique as the Core of Critical Theory. In: British Journal of Sociology 32(3), pp. 330-345....
The central analytic move of immanent critique, as we have practiced it, is to explore how claims that are internal to authoritative discourse are experienced by those who have been excluded from their formulation. This paper contributes to the discussion of the politics of qualitative research ...
The present article asks after Gregory of Nyssa’s debts to Basil the Great, and this by re-examining two texts the former wrote shortly after the latter’s death: De hominis opificio and Apologia in Hexaemeron . It does so on the premise, mostly promiss
immangeables immaniable immanité immanquable immanquablement WikiMatrix Cette loi ne sera plus un ordre idéal, mais un rapportimmanentaux phénomènes. Literature La conviction d’être autosuffisant et d’être capable d’éliminer le mal présent dans l’histoire uniquement par sa seule acti...