This working paper examines the notion of "immanent critique", a central methodological commitment of critical theories of society. In the first partdoi:10.2139/ssrn.2357957Stahl, Titussocial science electronic publishingStahl T. (2013b) What is Immanent Critique. SSRN Working Papers....
While generalizing and making critique unavoidable, Kant coins an unambiguously positive understanding of critique as an affirmative, immanent activity. Not only does this positive conception prevail in the critique of pure and practical reason and the critique of judgment; these modalities of critique ...
Fashion is not a product. ‘Capital is dead labour, that, vampire–like, only lives by sucking living labour, and lives the more, the more labour it sucks.’4 Karl Marx, Capital: A Critique of Political Economy, 1887 Why are the seams and labels of our garments placed on the inside?
Walden is neither a novel nor a true autobiography, but a social critique of the Western World ,with each chapter heralding some aspect of humanity that needed to be either renounced or praised (每个章节都对人 类社会的某方面进行批评或颂扬. 类社会的某方面进行批评或颂扬 ) Henry David Thoreau...
Rhetorically the analogy is an accepted practice in mainstream international relations discourse, and since this article is an immanent rather than external critique, it should follow the practice. Substantively, states are collectivities of individuals that through their practices constitute each other as...
the unconscious (Politzer, p.42). We can still say the dream has a meaning, but that meaning isimmanentto it in the same way that the theme of a play is immanent to its text, or the laws of gravity are immanent to the forces of nature. It does not exist separately alongside them:...
You insist that there is something a machine cannot do. If you will tell mepreciselywhat it is that a machine cannot do, then I can always make a machine which will do just that! (John von Neumann 1958; added emphasis) Abstract
and Haus Rucker Co, we can see a shift from the limited understanding of architecture as the design of discrete structures, to an expanded notion that architecture and urbanism can embody a form of cultural critique, or venture even more decisively into the realm of social and political ...
While generalizing and making critique unavoidable, Kant coins an unambiguously positive understanding of critique as an affirmative, immanent activity. Not only does this positive conception prevail in the critique of pure and practical reason and the critique of judgment;...
This cause was mainly seen as the material cause substrate of a thing, also serving as its immanent cause: so a seed is the immanent cause that contains the tree and its fruit. So the entire trajectory of a thing's development always exists within its own ground as a potentiality ...