twiceayear,inthespringandfall.TheWEOispreparedbytheIMFstaffandhas benefitedfromcommentsandsuggestionsbyExecutiveDirectorsfollowingtheirdiscus- sionofthereportonSeptember26,2023.Theviewsexpressedinthispublicationare thoseoftheIMFstaffanddonotnecessarilyrepresenttheviewsoftheIMF’sExecutive ...
October’s WEO highlights the lagged impact of monetary policy tightening as one of the greatest downside risks to the outlook. Although most central banks across the world are now reducing interest rates, an unanticipated strengthening of the transmission of rate increases in 2023 could lead to a...
(WEO) is a survey by the IMF staff pub- lished twice a year, in the spring and fall. The WEO is prepared by the IMF staff and has benefited from comments and suggestions by Executive Directors following their discussion of the report on October 8, 2024. The views expressed in this ...
InternationalMonetaryFund|October2024vii WORLDECONOMICOUTLOOK:POLICyPIvOT,RIsINgThREaTs Inthetablesandfigures,thefollowingconventionsapply: •Tablesandfiguresinthisreportthatlisttheirsourceas“IMFstaffcalculations”or“IMFstaffestimates”draw ondatafromtheWEOdatabase. •Whencountriesarenotlistedalphabetically,theyare...
2024 Q4/Q4 growth is a full 0.7 ppts higher than forecasted in the October 2023 WEO, and 0.6 ppts from the January WEO update. Euro area growth is marked down 0.1 ppts relative to January WEO update. China growth prospects were not marked down relative to January, although they are down...
According to the WEO update, growth in China is projected at 4.6 percent in 2024, with an upward revision of 0.4 percentage points since October 2023. The main source of this upgrade, Leigh said, is derived from the new government spending package, which includes investments in infrastructure ...
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) on Tuesday upgraded global growth forecast to 3.1 percent in 2024, 0.2 percentage point higher than the projection last October, according to its newly released World Economic Outlook (WEO) update. The upward revision reflects upgrades for China, the United Sta...
Risks to the global economic landscape have diminished since October 2023, leading to a broadly balanced distribution of possible outcomes around the baseline projection for global growth, from a clear downside tilt in the April 2023 WEO and the October 2023 WEO. “Risks to the outlook are bala...
humanandphysicalimpacts.TheconflictinGazaandIsrael,whichbeganinearlyOctober2023,isyetanotherblowtoeconomiescontendingwithexistingchallengesandheighteneduncertainty. Figure1.HotelOccupancy (Percentdifferenceinthechangeinhoteloccupancyrate) AlgeriaSaudiArabia Tunisia ...