ratesof1.331and1.341,USdollar–euroconversionversionrates,seetheStatisticalAppendixoftheApril2023WEO. InternationalMonetaryFund|October202485 WORLDECONOMICOUTLOOK:POLICYPIVOT,RISINGTHREATS DataandConventionsstaffestimates.Whileattemptsaremadetoaligndata ongrossandnetdebtwiththedefinitionsinthe ...
Figure 1:GDP (bold black), April WSJ survey (light blue), GDPNow (4/15) (red square), NY Fed (light green square), St. Louis Fed (blue inverted triangle), IMF April 2024 WEO (chartreuse triangles), all in bn.Ch.2017$ SAAR. Source BEA via FRED, Philadelphia Fed, Atlanta Fed, N...
Risks to the global economic landscape have diminished since October 2023, leading to a broadly balanced distribution of possible outcomes around the baseline projection for global growth, from a clear downside tilt in the April 2023 WEO and the October 2023 WEO. “Risks to the outlook are bala...
WASHINGTON, April 16 (Xinhua) -- The International Monetary Fund (IMF) on Tuesday upgraded its forecast of global growth in 2024 to 3.2 percent, 0.1 percentage points higher than its projection in January, according to its newly released World Economic Outlook (WEO) report. Despite gloomy predic...
The WEO report showed that the latest forecast for global growth five years from now -- at 3.1 percent -- is at its lowest in decades. The IMF estimates that global headline inflation is expected to fall from an annual average of 6.8 percent in 2023 to 5.9 percent in 2024 and 4.5 perce...
WEOUpdate).IfglobaldebtresumesitsrisingPerrelli,2023,“RidingtheGlobalDebt trendgoingforward,thedebtrollercoasterRollercoaster,”December2022,Washington, sincethepandemicwilllooknothingmorethanIMF,2023,“Chapter1:OnthePathtoPolicy atemporarydeviationarounditslong-termNormalization,”FiscalMonitor,April. ...
(WEO) is a survey by the IMF staff pub- lished twice a year, in the spring and fall. The WEO is prepared by the IMF staff and has benefited from comments and suggestions by Executive Directors following their discussion of the report on October 8, 2024. The views expressed in this ...
reflectthelatestpublisheddatainallcases.Forthedateofthelastdataupdateforeacheconomy,pleasereferto thenotesprovidedintheonlineWEOdatabase. ThefollowingconventionsareusedthroughouttheWEO: •...toindicatethatdataarenotavailableornotapplicable; •–betweenyearsormonths(forexample,2023–24orJanuary–June)toindicate...
1/2020figuresareactualdatafromBdESurveyofHouseholdFinances;2022,2024and2026aresimulatedbasedonactual macroeconomicdevelopmentandprojectionsfromIMFOctober2023WEO. 2/MacroeconomicassumptionsforindividualcountriesarebasedonIMF2023OctoberWEOprojections. 3/Incomequintile1-5indicatethelowest-incomegrouptothehighest-incomegroup...
In constructing our debt shock, the forecast for government debt and GDP for each country in a given year is taken from the October vintage of WEO forecasts of that year. The realized values of these variables are then taken from the following year’s October WEO database. Table 1. ...