The International Monetary Fund (IMF) on Tuesday projected the global economy to grow by 3.2 percent this year and 2.7 percent in 2023, with a downward 0.2-percentage-point revision for 2023 from the July forecast, according to the latest World Economic Outlook (WEO) report.The global eco...
The IFF Global Finance and Development Report 2023, released during the meeting, predicts that China's economy will grow 5.2 percent in 2023 and 5 percent in 2024 as the government is expected to further take actions to ensure the orderly resolution of debt problems of some large property devel...
China's economy has remained resilient, even though the property sector is experiencing ongoing difficulties, the report said. It noted that the nation's GDP grew 5.2 percent in 2023 and, during the first half of 2024, grew 5 percent year-on-year. Driven by China's strong economic data fr...
THE International Monetary Fund on Tuesday projected the global economy to grow by 3.2 percent this year and 2.7 percent in 2023, with a downward 0.2 percentage point revision for 2023 from the July forecast, according to the latest World Economic Outlook report. The global economy is experiencing...
Table 1. IMF’s World Economic Outlook real GDP growth projections (% change, year-on-year) Source: IMF. Data as at 16 April 2024. In advanced economies, growth is projected to rise from 1.6% in 2023 to 1.7% in 2024. This represents a 0.2 percentage point upward revision to the proje...
The WEO report showed that the latest forecast for global growth five years from now -- at 3.1 percent -- is at its lowest in decades. The IMF estimates that global headline inflation is expected to fall from an annual average of 6.8 percent in 2023 to 5.9 percent in 2024 and 4.5 perce...
In line with Hunermund and Louw (2023)’s convincing argument, I do not interpret the coefficients of the control variables, since they are correlated with other unobserved factors. One important aspect to note, however, is that once international financial investments are accounted in the model,...
The total debt, both local and external, represents about 93 percent of the country's GDP and the IMF expects it to continue to decline to 86 percent of GDP by the end of the program and to about 71 percent of GDP by the fiscal year 2023/24. ...
The IMF's forecast is close to the 2023 GDP growth target of about 5 percent set during last month's annual two sessions. "With China absorbing about a quarter of exports from Asia and between 5 and 10 percent from other geographic regions, the reopening and growth of its economy will li...
IMF-尼加拉瓜:2023年第四条磋商新闻稿;和员工报告(英).pdf,IMF Country Report No. 24/ 18 NICARAGUA 2023 ARTICLE IV CONSULTATION—PRESS RELEASE; January 2024 AND STAFF REPORT Under Article IV of the IMF’s Articles of Agreement, the IMF holds bilateral di