Gopinath stated this after meeting the island nation’s State Finance Minister Shehan Semasinghe Central Bank Governor Nandalal Weerasinghe, and Treasury Secretary Mahinda Siriwardena on the sideline of the IMF/World Bank Spring Meetings in Washington. “I commended them on hard-won econo...
6.profileandtransparencyofAMCESFIbypublishingmeetingminutes/AMCESFII summariesandtimelyAnnualReports. ReviewthecaseforappointingtwoorthreeexternalmemberstoAMCESFIMINECO. 7.I tostrengthenthediversityofperspectivesandexpertise.AMCESFI FurtherdevelopanddeepenthemacroprudentialframeworkbyaddressingBdE,CNMV, 8.remainingdata...
The short-term programme will be superseded by two five-year development strategies, with the first one running from 2021-2025, and the second covering 2026-2030. The IMF mission chief to Zimbabwe said they expect more reforms from the new Government. “I think that is already stated policy....