Building trans-omics evidence: using imag- ing and "omics" to characterize cancer profiles. Pac Symp Biocomput. 2018;23:377-387.Srivastava A, Kulkarni C, Mallick P, Huang K, Machiraju R. Building trans-omics evidence: using imaging and `omics' to characterize cancer profiles. Pac Symp...
1.1 Imaging for breast cancer detection and diagnosis Advances in fundamental understanding of breast cancer biology, with steady translation in sophisticated therapies on the one hand, and the dissemination of screening programs on the other, have led to progressively decreasing death rates. Imaging pla...
Complete response prediction in locally advanced rectal cancer (LARC) patients is generally focused on the radiomics analysis of staging MRI. Until now, omics information extracted from gut microbiota and circ... Luca Boldrini, Giuditta Chiloiro, Silvia Di Franco, Angela Romano, Lana Smiljanic, Elen...
Within the field of oncology, "omics" strategies—genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics, metabolomics—have many potential applications and may significantly improve our understanding of the underlying processes of cancer development and progression. Omics strategies aim to develop meaningful imaging biomarkers...
Using a multimodal approach to elucidate racial disparities in breast cancer biology by integrating tumor imaging and -omics data. Given the multifactorial nature of cancer, we have developed a platform that integrates the combinatorial phenotypic, molecular, and biological hallmarks of ... N Liadis,...
The path forward for oculomics and AI By Aaron Y. Lee, MD, MSCI January 28th 2025 Enhancing precision in GA imaging By Lynda Charters December 12th 2024 Video Interviews Envision Summit 2025: Retinal imaging to diagnose and identify neurodegenerative diseases using machine learning. FLORetina ICO...
INSIHGT is an affordable, non-destructive and accessible 3D spatial biology method that maps diverse biomolecules deep within tissues, such as proteins and RNA, thus advancing the understanding of complex biological systems on a multi-omics level. ...
To minimize the risk of failure later in cancer drug development there is a strong argument for undertaking proof-of-principle studies early to demonstrate that the active drug is delivered to the tumour in vivo, and in patients, at the necessary concentration; this is especially true for novel...
cancer 2 . The development of histological stains and, later, immunohistochemistry (IHC) in 1941 (ref. 3 ) provided the ability to discern tissue features and protein targets, opening the door to more detailed characterizations of tumor cells. Since then, substantial improvements in histological ...
Personalized Breast Cancer Treatments Using Artificial Intelligence in Radiomics and Pathomics William T. Tran, Katarzyna Jerzak, Fang-I Lu, Jonathan Klein, ... Ali Sadeghi-Naini December 2019 Pages S32-S41 select article Artificial Intelligence in Magnetic Resonance Imaging: A Feasible Practice?