magnifications with description. The big images are intended to show the deep sky objects in their galactic environment and can be used as "real sky" finder charts for observers. Meanwhile, the list of 88 constellations is complete, however, a few updates with some improved images will follow...
This image shows a region that lies within the constellation of Scorpius, close to the central plane of the galaxy. The region hosts a dense cloud of dust and gas associated with the molecular cloud clearly visible as an orange smudge at the centre of the image. Clouds like these are breed...
images CamelopardalisUrsa MajorUrsa MinorDracoCepheusCassiopeia AurigaLynx Leo MinorHerculesCygnus and LyraLacertaPerseus GeminiCanes Venatici and Coma BerenicesBootesVulpecula and SagittaPegasusAndromeda TaurusCancerCorona Borealis and Serpens (Caput)AquilaPiscesAries and Triangulum ...