Draco constellation is a northern hemisphere constellation containing the star Thuban, once the pole star. It is the eighth largest night sky constellation, not a Zodiac star sign.
Ursa Major, the Great Bear, is the largest constellation in the northern sky. It is home to the Big Dipper asterism, formed by its seven brightest stars, and to many well-known deep sky objects.
The star Vega is exceptionally eye-catching — it's the fifth brightest star in the night sky. Vega is located in the constellation Lyra, which isn't a constellation most people can pick out when looking at the night sky. Nevertheless, it's among the most studied stars in the sky. Vega...
Hercules constellation is named after the mythical Roman hero of the same name. Hercules was forced to carry out twelve labours as punishment for killing his wife and child.
The neighboring constellations are Camelopardalis, Cassiopeia, Cygnus, Draco, Lacerta, and Ursa Minor. This constellation rotates around Polaris in a counter-clockwise direction throughout the night. It swings high over Polaris after midnight and then sweeps to the left side of Polaris around dawn. ...
A constellation is a pattern of stars seen from earth. The word constellation is derived from a Latin word that means 'set of stars'. There are 88 constellations in the sky, as recognized by the International Astronomical Union, but some can be seen only
Constellation The Big Dipper is the most visible part ofUrsa Major, and its name is often used synonymously with the Great Bear. However, the Big Dipper itself is not a constellation. It is an asterism, a distinctive pattern formed by two or more stars. Its host constellation, Ursa Major,...
In 3000 B.C., the faint star of Thuban, in the constellation of Draco, used to be the North Star at a magnitude of 3.67, but it was only one fifth as bright as our present northern pole star. Come 3000 A.D., Gamma Cephei (aka Alrai), a star that currently sits forty five lig...
Coma Berenices is a member of the Ursa Major family of constellations, together with Boötes,Camelopardalis, Canes Venatici,Corona Borealis, Draco,Leo Minor, Lynx,Ursa MajorandUrsa Minor. Mythology Coma Berenices is the only constellation named after an actual historical person, in this case Quee...
Using computer simulations it has been shown that the ground plan of the Angkor complex – the terrestrial placement of its principal temples - mirrors the stars in the constellation of Draco at the time of spring equinox in 10,500 BC. While the date of this astronomical alignment is far ear...