美 英 un.图像匹配 网络通过选特;图文配对 英汉 网络释义 un. 1. 图像匹配 例句
fromimage_match.goldbergimportImageSignaturefrom phash_backendimportPHashBackend# 假设这是一个已经实现好的pHash后端接口# 初始化ImageSignature对象gis = ImageSignature()# 连接到pHash数据库后端backend = PHashBackend()# 批量导入图像至数据库batch_import_images(backend) # 假设此函数已定义好,用于批量导入...
image n.[C] 1. 像;画像;肖像;塑像;偶像 2. 映像;影像;图像,镜像 3. 外形,外表;酷似的人(或物),翻版 4.(头脑中的)形象;概念 5. 典型,象征,化身 6. 生动的描绘 no match 非配合 match fixing 因受贿或行贿而操纵比赛。 wrestling match n. 摔角比赛 y match 【电】 Y匹配 post match 赛...
.match(descriptors_1, descriptors_2) # 转换特征点和匹配为numpy矩阵的形式 cur_kp_1 = ArrayFromCvKps(keypoints_1) cur_kp_2 = ArrayFromCvKps(keypoints_2) matches = np.array([[m.queryIdx, m.trainIdx] for m in cv_matches]) # 绘制匹配结果 im_matches = DrawMatches(images_dict[image_id...
image_match tests .dockerignore .editorconfig .gitignore .travis.yml Dockerfile LICENSES.md README.md docker-compose.yml pytest.ini setup.py NOTE: this repository is no longer maintained; PRs and issues will probably be ignored. If you are interested in taking over development/maintainership of ...
商标名称 IMAGE MATCH 国际分类 第18类-皮革皮具 商标状态 商标注册申请 申请/注册号 30864287 申请日期 2018-05-11 申请人名称(中文) 广州度尺服饰有限公司 申请人名称(英文) - 申请人地址(中文) 广东省广州市越秀区水荫路119号星光映景16层A180065号 申请人地址(英文) - 初审公告期号 - 初审公告日期 2019...
D:\文件及下载相关\文档\Visual Studio2010\Projects\image_match3\image_match View Code Mat img1 = imread("003.png"); Mat img2= imread("004.png"); 测试两个方向拍摄的熊娃娃: 对海面舰船目标的MUSIC高精度定位方法研究(图文) - 期刊论文网 http://www.pinjiao.com/lunwenqikan/kejixiaolunwen/lu...
All code is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, the full text of which can be found at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0. Documentation Licenses The official image-match documentation, except for the short code snippets embedded within it, is licensed under a Creative Comm...
you finally find a picture you like but unfortunately it’s low resolution or an odd dimension leaving you to go back to scrolling through the results pages. To take the hassle out of this process we’re introducing a new feature that allows you to match an image in a few simple clicks...