The development of the large image-caption dataset serves as a benchmark to design models that enhance generalizability for taxonomic classification tasks.Chavez, Raynor Kirkson E.University of the Philippines DilimanReynoso, Kyle Gabriel M.University of the Philippines DilimanRaquel, Carlo R....
这里要注意的一个操作是,对于一张图片不足5句描述句的图片(假如一张图片只有3个描述句),这里会将随机从3个描述句中任意选择一个句子做填充,且要选择两次。 2、 这个文件用来将数据集文件对象化!! image在这里会经过一系列变化转换,变换为对模型训练更加友好的数据,其中包括一些归一化操作等。 这里有...
dataset.append(os.path.splitext(line.strip())[0]) return set(dataset) def load_clean_caption(filename, dataset): """ 为图像标题首尾分别加上'startseq'和'endseq',作为自动标注的开始和终止 @paramfilename: 文本文件,每一行由图像名和图像标题构成,图像标题已经进行了清洗 @paramdataset: 图像名元素...
def get_loader(root, json, vocab, transform, batch_size, shuffle, num_workers): """Returns for custom coco dataset.""" # COCO caption dataset coco = CocoDataset(root=root, json=json, vocab=vocab, transform=transform) # Data loader for COCO dataset # This will...
device_target='GPU') data_url = './ImageNet/' resize = 224 batch_size = 16 dataset_trai...
image_caption['images'][0][key]=data[key]breakimage_caption['info'] ={}forkeyindataset['info']:#dictimage_caption['info'][key]=dataset['info'][key] image_caption['licenses'] =[]fordataindataset['licenses']:#2014 have eight listimage_caption['licenses'].append({})forkeyindata: ...
This tutorials focus on implementations of model and training phase. If you dont't want to just play with a toy, read for how to deal with data. 1. Main structure of image caption 1.1 From language translation to image caption ...
setups were experimented with and reported. SAIDS was applied to the ArSarcasm-v2 dataset where ...
官网 下提供的代码地址: 其中带有coco的评估代码,会随着当初安装cocoapi时一同安装。 但此处的cocoeval只用于keypoint与instances,不能用于caption。 MSCOCO除了提供了数据集之外,也提供了评测脚本: ...
VideoCC is a dataset containing (video-URL, caption) pairs for training video-text machine learning models. It is created using an automatic pipeline starting from the Conceptual Captions Image-Captioning Dataset. - google-research-datasets/videoCC-data